You’ve Never Seen Me Naked, You Don’t Know Anything About My Dreams

You've never seen me naked, you don't know anything about my dreams

You’ve never seen me naked, you don’t know anything about my dreams. My dreams consumed by the passage of time that I put on hold, hoping we would meet again.

Now I realized that this wait was a waste of time, I realized that I was chasing a chimera. If you really love each other, there is no need to want to change anything, but the desire to be together and to overcome the difficulties that trying to prevent this union grows more and more.

I also realize that our intimate, somewhat idealized encounters were nothing more than the dust that distracts from knowing the truth about the person you hug.  Undressing someone means betting until the end, despite the obstacles and adventures that are encountered along the way. Now I realize that my nakedness was for you only a show of availability, but that you never understood the meaning of my giving hidden behind it.

Undressing is not the same as undressing of body and soul

When naked, true intimacy is what goes through our mind when we are, mind that sometimes remains petrified and helpless between caresses and passion, an intimacy that is silent on the idea of ​​the latter’s numbness. 


Conversations about the future and one’s expectations are avoided simply because “there are too many words when you give a sincere hug”. However, how can we trust the language of hugs if, for some, this is just an instant, while for others it is eternity eager to be shared? When two souls reach peace, war cannot be silently declared. We need to talk about fears, expectations, feelings.

One cannot hope for a normal relationship without knowing each other’s dreams. His ideas about life, his way of feeling happy. How to remain indifferent to a feeling that someone feels intensely within himself, of which the other remains trapped?

Undressing in front of someone, keeping true intimacy inside

Any person gives himself to the other without thinking of receiving anything in return, nothing that does not correspond to what derives from the same quality of intimacy. However, after kisses, hugs and passion, what we feel deep inside is expected to come to the surface. Because hiding what you feel means living a captive love. 


Romantic love cannot be enjoyed by ignoring the illusions and images it conveys to us. Sometimes they ignore themselves for fear of not being understood, for recklessness or to avoid the compromise of misunderstanding, which does not mean condemning oneself, but getting rid of it when one truly experiences what one feels.

We can show ourselves willing to wait for fear to disappear, but we can also remain waiting, without ending our existence, in the awareness of who we really are.  Perhaps this is precisely the risk that we do not want to take but, by doing so, we will never be aware of how much we could harmonize with the dreams of the other, much more than with his nakedness.

The Zeigarnik effect of some relationships

There is no worse nostalgia than regretting what has never been, and no worse certainty than knowing that you have lost something good forever.  They say that the open ending and stories without a conclusion are wonderful, that what is interrupted is best remembered: it is the  Zeigarnik effect that describes psychology in his studies on memory.

However, memory serves neither for desire nor for torment. Interrupting what you want and love is a pain that can never be heroically remembered, but that will always reveal the cowardice of that moment. Keeping quiet naked so as not to disturb, losing a love that ends up in oblivion. 

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