You Can Put Aside Pride, Not Dignity

You can put aside pride, not dignity

We can say goodbye to our pride, but we must never lose dignity for anything or anyone, because that would mean losing ourselves, damaging our self-love and our integrity.

Although each of us must assert our self-esteem, this value does not matter if it is at the expense of the good of others. It is therefore necessary to be able to distinguish the behaviors of others aimed at damaging our image and making our dignity vulnerable.

Even if being able to find true love or true friendship does not depend on the presence or lack of dignity, it must be admitted that the bonds built on this feeling are more authentic, free, solid and respectful, characteristics impossible to obtain if you are not faithful. to their own identity.

 swing dignity

NEVER beg for love or affection

Have you ever found yourself begging for attention and affection from someone who, instead, was nothing more than a source of selfishness and indifference? The answer to this question is almost certainly a “yes”.

The fact is that, depending on the people we relate to or the moment of our life we ​​find ourselves in, we will be more likely to become victims of those people who need to despise others to fool their self-esteem.

Friends having coffee

Dignity and pride: two medals with different faces

The message we would like to convey to you today is: ” you must not lose someone out of pride, but you must not lose your dignity for someone either “. Despite this, the line between pride and dignity is very vague.

In this regard, we must keep the ego in check, because it is precisely an excess of ego that transforms dignity into pride, a useless, unbearable, harmful and unjustified feeling of superiority.

It is dignity that reflects our ability to behave in the most correct and balanced way with ourselves, ignoring the pretexts and blackmail of others. Being worthy means respecting oneself and others, maintaining a certain safety distance that allows us to rebalance our scales.

woman and crow

The importance of self-esteem in order not to hurt others

People who love themselves tend to be more consistent and kind with their actions than those who don’t like themselves. Those who respect themselves, in fact, consider doing harm to others a terrible action.

The thought ” I have behaved badly with that person ” distorts your image as a ” good person and positive for others ” so much that you are committed to solving the problem and to prevent such a thing from happening again.

This explains why those who often take advantage of others and who damage their dignity do so almost without shame. In these cases, we can really say that there is something wrong with them.

Little girl sitting looking at the sun

Despite everything, the skin grows back on the wound, even if the important thing is that it heals from the inside. We use this metaphor because it is very useful to visualize the concept that, when someone disappoints us, it hurts a part of us.

This means that dignity does not let us out unscathed when we suffer damage, but by keeping our identity strong and present, we will be better able to manage the possibility that someone will abandon us, that we are fired or that a friend betrays us.

An upright and authentic person is a worthy person who, despite the damage suffered, continues to walk always looking forward and with his head held high, because he knows himself and knows what he is worth, even if negative circumstances or people want to convince him otherwise.


We can say that, even if we then go back to being the same, these painful situations push us to strengthen our dignity and our personal identity. It won’t hurt us any less, but the strategy we adopt to get out of that dark pit will involve less collateral damage.

However, when we find ourselves having to choose between the presence or the lack of dignity, it is then that the alarm bell should start to sound that signals the need for a farewell or a change. Especially since, as we have already said, one cannot give up one’s emotional health for anything or anyone.

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