With Your Caress My Soul Regenerates

With your caress my soul is regenerated

A caress from a loved one has the power to regenerate our soul. It is like the sweet sound of the ocean waves that cause placid sensations to our body, which soothes our fears, which softens the edges of our uncertainties and blends the boundaries between us and each other. There are caresses that heal and wise hands that touch the skin to reach the soul.

The art of caressing requires, first of all, to be good craftsmen of the emotional world. Because, believe it or not, this music of the senses and pleasures has its starting note in the brain. It is the brain that tells us which person has the right to caress us and it is this organ that processes the types of caresses that bring greater well-being.

A curious fact is that, in our DNA, the need for physical contact is already encoded in order for the species to survive. A newborn, for example, cannot grow in a healthy way if it is not caressed, hugged, cuddled. We adults too need those gestures full of affection to strengthen the bond with those we love.

Caresses are not just an art destined for physical pleasure. They are an act of reaffirmation and belonging, a bond that arises from our senses to give our brain security. We invite you to reflect on it with us.


The daily caresses required by the brain

In an interesting article published in the journal Psychology Today , love is defined as the search for a safe and fulfilling connection with each other. Through this bond, people come together emotionally to nourish themselves, calm their fears and protect each other.

From birth, we all feel the need to build safe relationships, in which displays of affection are the unmistakable expressions of beautiful and sincere feelings. Caress is a language with a strong power that manages to transcend words to cross the skin and the senses. In this way, the bond is strengthened and the brain gratifies us with a good dose of endorphins.

But what happens between the neurons in a situation of absence of physical contact or lack of pampering by the loved one? We can summarize the answer in two very clear ideas:

  • When there is no emotional expression, when the partner does not receive demonstrations of affection, hugs and caresses, a sort of “crack” is created and the brain panics.
  • The lack of affectionate messages expressed through physical contact and sweet words generates loneliness and a complex situation of stress that the mind immediately perceives as a threat. The non-existence of caresses in a relationship is also the non-existence of the affirmation of love. It is a deep void in the soul that the brain turns into stress.
hands touching caress

The art of knowing how to caress

We have learned that the sentinel who guides and illuminates the pleasure of caresses and who requires them as a necessary daily food is the brain. It is not enough to “touch”, it is necessary to know how to seduce and affirm the bond, since the physical contact that generates well-being, pleasure and security must be offered to an important person who is, in turn, a good craftsman of the emotional world.

The skin is a minefield, there are 5 million nerve endings; this is a fascinating fact, because it opens up before us a whole world to discover, to assist and to make work. We are sure that you are curious to know the mechanisms caused by the most pleasant caresses, those that regenerate our soul.

woman with butterflies and roses

The fascinating map of our skin is connected with our emotions

It’s amazing how the brain reacts to touch. The brain is so pure, instinctive and almost magical that it is able to calm a baby’s cry after a hug. It is able to relieve worries with a caress and to give intimacy and warmth to a person thanks to a simple pat on the back.

According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience , a caress is like a score for our brain and, depending on who is touching us and in what context, it will give life to the melody of one emotion or another.

  • In couples, the most pleasant caresses are those offered at 1.3 and 10 cm per second. A delicate and perfect cadence that activates the so-called “mechanoreceptors”, which send a clear message to the brain: that of pleasure.
  • The brain allows us to connect with people through touch. The caress is also an emotional detector of fears, desires and sadness. This is due to the presence of the insula, a deep fundamental brain region in the emotional universe.

Undoubtedly, this is a fascinating subject, which reminds us of the importance of putting this science into practice every day for which it is not necessary to study. Being masters at offering caresses is a skill within our reach.

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