When Your Worst Enemy Is You

When your worst enemy is you

On many occasions, you will have felt abused or humiliated and you will have believed that you have overcome it; in fact, this is not the case.

When time passes and the mistreatment disappears, you begin to exert this abuse against yourself, without being aware of it.

“I have to be good, humble and complacent, because I believe I am worth nothing and deserve nothing, because I think it is my duty even if I will never get anywhere in life.”

If you say things like that, then it’s time to understand who you really are: people with very low self-esteem, full of insecurities, frustrations, fears, feelings of guilt, etc.

If it is very difficult for you to appreciate, accept and recognize your abilities, because you are convinced that you can never measure up to others, then it is likely that you are turning into your own worst enemy.

You can choose whether or not to be your enemy

Your worst enemy is not embodied by someone else – it is all in your mind. You may be wondering: “How is this possible? How can I be my worst enemy? ”.

You can accept all the criticisms, humiliations, opinions and judgments you receive or not.

It is not the criticisms that you receive your worst enemy, but those that you accept

(Bernardo Stamateas)

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You have the decision-making power. Do you really agree with what others say? Do you really think you deserve all this?

Tolerating something just because you want to be accepted by others severely reduces self-esteem and turns you into your enemy.

It is true that being surrounded by different opinions can make you doubt who you really are ; for this, it is necessary that you distance yourself from all these people to reflect on who you are. Once you understand this, you will be able to deal with opinions and judgments in a much safer way.

Do you want to know how to stop being your enemies?

  • Accept yourself and be sure of who you are.
  • Question any negative thoughts you hear about yourself.
  • Learn to be wrong.
  • Don’t try to please everyone.

It’s hard to stop being your own enemies, but it’s a job that only you can do . You must be sure of who you are and you must not allow the opinions of others to define you.

Stop seeing your mistakes as embarrassing and limiting: you can learn from them and then do things better.

Everyone makes mistakes. Remember that there is no teaching that is not preceded by a mistake; you learn more from mistakes than you think.

Who am I?

This is a very simple question, but with a very complex answer. Do you know who you really are ? If you know this, why do you let yourselves be struck by the criticisms of others?

You must learn not to compare yourself to others, to believe in yourself and not to get carried away by the words of others. You are unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable, with defects and virtues.

Do you really know where your enemies are? In the world around you or inside you? Who are you listening to? The voice of obsession that speaks to you of fate and failure? The plaintive and authoritative voice that fires judgments at every step you take? “

(Bernardo Stamateas)

Trust your abilities, believe in yourself and don’t allow yourself to be what others want. Being yourself will help you achieve the much desired happiness.

Your decisions are the ones that will forever mark your existence. Who has the decision-making power in your life? You or the others? Be a little selfish and get away from other people’s judgments. Life is yours and you have to decide how to live it.

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Reflect on the fact that self-confidence will allow you to move forward, to try, to experiment. If, on the other hand, you don’t believe in yourself, insecurity will make its appearance.

Ask yourself which direction you are going. Do you really want to be perfect enough to make a disease out of it? Perfection is not the answer.

Be natural, move forward, make mistakes, learn and live how you feel you want to live. Get rid of the rumors of others that block and paralyze you and advance. Don’t allow yourself to turn into your own worst enemy.

Image courtesy of Malota

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