Visualization Techniques To Relax

Visualization techniques help you relax and find focus. When we visualize, we construct a mental image that acts as a distraction to take the mind off what is stressing us.
Visualization techniques to relax

Many people are often overwhelmed with anxious thoughts that hinder their ability to concentrate. Visualization techniques, also called guided mental imagery, are a good resource for countering these thoughts.

These are systematic practices in which a detailed mental image is created within an environment that is relaxing and attractive to our mind. They can be performed alone, but can also be combined with muscle relaxation techniques or massages.

The aim is to associate the feeling of relaxation with the mental image created. In this way, after a few sessions, only the images associated with the physical sensations of relaxation will be used. Whenever we think of that image, we will feel relaxed. In the following lines, we present three effective visualization techniques that don’t take too long.

Woman with closed eyes viewing.

3 visualization techniques to relax

The double-glazed window technique

This technique is very useful on days when you feel exhausted after a long day at work and just want to relax and go to sleep. We will have happened to go to bed, close our eyes and be assailed by obsessive thoughts that seem to never stop.

  • First step. Let’s imagine that we have a beautiful double-glazed window next to us and that on the other side there is a group of people chatting and arguing loudly.
  • Second step. Let’s imagine getting up and closing the window very calmly. In this way, noises from outside will be able to enter the room. The room is now soundproofed.
  • Third step. We visualize ourselves returning to bed and that annoying conversations are no longer heard. Now, silence and calm reign in the room. Now we can fall asleep.

The beach technique

It is a visualization technique to use when anxiety is caused by fear of public speaking or flying. It is in these moments that the mind tends to focus on everything that can go wrong. This technique is used to calm the nerves and manage anxiety in situations where we feel insecure or feel some fear.

  • First step. Visualize a vast beach of brilliant white sand. There is not a single cloud in the blue sky and you can hear the gentle rhythm of the waves on the shore.
  • Second step. You are on the beach sitting on a comfortable deck chair. Your body sinks into the soft cushions and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the warm sand under your feet. The sensations you experience are beautiful and pleasant.
  • Third step. You can see on the horizon that the blue of the sea embraces the blue of the sky and for a moment everything around you is blue. Now, smell the scent of the sea and listen to the sound of the light breeze that caresses your face.
  • Fourth step. Release the tension, relax your eyes and breathe to the rhythm of the waves.

Liquid silence technique

This technique helps to muffle the “noise” in our mind and to focus on our thoughts. We often find ourselves in situations that oppress us. The constant bombardment of information to which we are subjected becomes an obstacle when we try to silence the inner dialogue and to produce mental images. This technique will help us relax by allowing us to achieve our goal.

  • First step. Visualize stillness and stillness as a thick liquid with a beautiful light color. This liquid fills your head with peace and tranquility. It is placed at the top of the head and will remain there for some time.
  • Second step. Try to visualize, as clearly as possible, the liquid flowing very slowly through your body. From the head it reaches the neck, then the shoulders, the arms, the hands and continues through the trunk, reaching the hips and then the legs and feet. Now you feel like a big bubble filled with liquid.
  • Third step. Keep this image in your mind, take a deep breath and stay in this state for a few minutes.
Transparent woman with closed eyes and in the background of flying birds.

How do visualization techniques work?

These are non-verbal instructions intended for the unconscious to act as if the visualized environment is real and we are really there. These visualizations, in fact, stimulate the same neural networks that would be activated in a real situation.

They work because they allow us to channel our attention away from stressful thoughts. All of this helps us to strengthen the connection between the body and the mind.

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