Therapeutic People: 7 Characteristics

Therapeutic people: 7 characteristics

Therapeutic people are cheerful and encouraging, they infect us with their attitude and being next to them for some time makes us feel good. This can be explained by the so-called mirror neurons, i.e. those that allow empathy and cause us to imitate the emotions of others that attract our attention.

Our state of mind, and consequently our health, are not only influenced by emotions, but also by the people with whom we relate, because without knowing it we use the energy of those around us. Experts like

John Brick

that it is important to choose the environment with which we are most in close contact and to know how to surround ourselves with people who bring us well-being and allow us to grow.

Therapeutic people respond to these characteristics,  transmit energy and help us walk our path more proactively. It is necessary to ask ourselves what actions, events or people bring us a positive energy state.

The people around us affect our mental health

Do you feel better when you are with your friends? This is because good friendships improve our life and mental health. Researchers of the

Brigham Young

University, in the United States, after studying 300,000 people for seven years, have come to the conclusion that personal emotional relationships act as a protective barrier, as they activate the immune system and reduce the risk of suffering from psychological and physical diseases.

Two friends, one helps the other to get up

People with a large circle of friends reduce the risk of death by up to 22%
.  This is the conclusion of a study conducted over a decade with over 1,500 people and published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health .

In another research carried out at the University of California the result was even clearer. Conducted in 2006 on more than 3,000 women suffering from breast cancer, this study showed that women who did not have close friends were four times more likely to die from their disease than those who had ten or more friends. In short, having friends, more precisely good friends, changes the functioning of the brain, especially in the area associated with rewards.

7 typical characteristics of therapeutic people

Therapeutic people are:

  • People who listen , don’t
    they judge

    . They do not exercise any kind of manipulation and observe others as they are, without wanting to change them. Therapeutic people respect the history of others.

  • Consistent with what they do, think, feel and say. They are busy people who create awareness through their actions.
  • P eople who want to know the other , but not in an intrusive way. They respect the space and time of others, they are extremely cautious.
  • Attentive and kind people.  They stand out for their human value.
  • Positive people . Therapeutic people view life from the point of view of goodness. Their company is a gift and we can’t wait to meet them again.
  • They create a protective environment . Nobody can avoid us from bad times, but it is clear that if we are in a healthy environment, a space of this type will be more suitable for the most difficult situations.
  • They infect us with healthy emotions. The effect
    contagious of emotions

    it is more than evident. When you are in contact with a pessimistic person every day, it is possible that at some point you will feel drawn into their current. Conversely, when surrounded by optimistic people, feelings of well-being are more easily experienced thanks to mirror neurons.

Little girl sleeping on a stitched heart therapeutic people

One way or another, therapeutic people fill this world with


and they offer tremendous, strong, and wonderful support to all of humanity . I am an example for everyone who wants to take care of the people they love and give them support.

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