The Smallest Action Exceeds The Largest Word

The smallest action outweighs the largest word

We forget the grandeur of the smallest gestures and overestimate the words that convey great intentions to us. Thinking you are acting or saying you want to do it does not have the same value as an action, however insignificant it may be; the latter will always have more value than what, instead, remains in the air.

We are not aware of the value of daily gestures, neither of those made by others nor of those made by us. Of those small details and grains of sand that are able to build authentic smiles, generate intense emotions and cement the basis of our dreams.

Words that do not follow up on facts are worth nothing

Words are a powerful tool for those who know how to use them. Thanks to them, negotiations are closed, relationships begin and promises are created. However, it is one thing to send a message or an intention, it is quite another to put it into practice through actions.


Creating expectations in others or oneself can generate frustration, disappointment or anger. Of course, everyone is free to say what they want, but don’t forget that words hurt. If you are aware that you are not realizing what you say, silence is preferable. What is the use of creating illusions for people or for yourself?

Also, don’t forget that words are a weapon of mass destruction if placed in the mouth of manipulative people. Being guided by what they tell you, therefore, is a double-edged sword that on some occasions can trap you in a giant spider’s web.

Your actions define you more than your words

Most of us are used to talking about what is needed, making promises that we will eventually fail to keep. This does not mean that there are no basic good intentions, but it is good to take into account the value that others give to what we say.

What may seem to you a socially acceptable comment at a given moment, to which you do not give any weight or, on the contrary, that you think you really keep, can acquire a completely different value for the other person. The point is that we will eventually be remembered for what we did and not for what we said.


Your behaviors define you and it’s the small details that make the difference. For this reason,  the smallest gesture is more powerful than the most beautiful word and the greatest intention. After all, who do we value most? Who does he tell us he loves or who really shows it?

In the end what remains of a person are his footprints and these are formed through gestures. Actions are the indelible imprints of each of us.

Facts don’t cease to exist just because they are ignored

Words fly, unravel and disappear, until they deform. But an action will always leave its mark once it is put into practice, even if someone tries to ignore it. An action cannot disappear, at most it can transform itself in the way it is told, but those will be just words …


The point is to understand if we value the actions that others carry out for us and those we carry out for others and for ourselves. Probably the answer is no, sometimes we prefer words. But remember, an action proves, while a word just sends a message that can be put into practice or not.

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