Tell Me How You Behave And I’ll Tell You What You Experienced

Tell me how you behave and I'll tell you what you experienced

You, me, all the people in the world … we are all different. Each of us carries within himself his little big story and although we do not know everyone else’s, we feel that ours is more authentic than any other.

Rightly, and unconsciously, we tend to exaggerate what we have experienced and diminish the opposite: growing up, I have learned that we are what we have lived, and for this we act accordingly. Only  when we understand the meaning of things and facts, do we attribute to each of them its proper value.

You will find out who I am when you understand my experience

Just as when we tackle issues we know nothing about as soon as we get the chance, we dare to give opinions about others without knowing them. In other words, we talk, analyze and sometimes judge something even if we have not experienced it, even if that particular situation did not concern us personally.


For all these reasons, we can understand who a person really is only if he lays bare in front of us, if he behaves according to his essence: first of all it will be his way of behaving, of speaking, of behaving in certain situations, the way best to teach us what formed her as a person.

What is certain is that events happen even if we stand still. Life works like this: it doesn’t give us the opportunity not to live it. Life goes on, and if we don’t follow it, it will drag us along. We cannot stop living things and we cannot decide that nothing happens to us. What we can do, however, is to represent our learning with our actions: act and let others know us for what we do.

The way we act distinguishes us from others: each lives and feels differently

By accident or luck, we keep the memory of moments and situations in life that have marked us forever; these are precisely the events that, once overcome – by our will or not – transform us. Those little big things that mark a point in our history, the things they teach us, those that have turned into paths for individual learning.

Very often, the roads to learning depends on our will and on our ability to bring out its claws to face life and the consequences of our actions, plus a little ‘luck and courage, external aid … We are made of all this, and we behave according to who we are.  


This thought fits perfectly with the concept of ” you are what you do and what you think, and if they are not compatible, you are not credible “. And that’s right, because we can’t get rid of all our inner baggage, what makes us different and that only we can perceive. Our emotions make us unique, as well as the roots from which they arise.

Prudence is a great friend

The emotions we were talking about are some of the most delicate facets of our person; for this reason, whenever we try to get close to someone to understand him, the most effective tool at our disposal is prudence. Prudence towards others is necessary to be able to put ourselves in their shoes, changing our point of view.

We can never be sure what we will find beyond, as most of the time we dwell on a superficial level of their behavior, without realizing that there are other aspects.

If we pass that point, if we manage to take a different perspective from our own, we can discover great people we didn’t think we had in front of us. This is the best part of finding each other without looking for each other: getting to know each other, letting themselves be seen, understanding each other. The discovery of all that we have lived separately unites us.

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