Reading Before Bed: A Habit That Pleases The Brain

Reading before bed: a habit that pleases the brain

More than a habit, it is a pleasure. Reading before bed frees us from the worries of the past day. It is a special moment in which we immerse ourselves in a sea of ​​letters, a world of possibilities that takes us by the hand towards exciting scenarios. It is one of the favorite habits of our brain that like to be fed, stimulated, seduced every night.

There are those who turn off the light on the bedside table only after having finished the last chapter of the book; he abandons himself to that particular intoxicating serenity when he feels the weight of sleep on his eyelids and the calm of the mind that already runs in the world of dreams. There are those who turn off the light in the middle of the night, after having seen some episode of their favorite TV series or those who let themselves fall on the pillow after an evening spent between social networks, e-mail or groups on whatsapp.

Everyone has their own habits, their own rituals and their own lifestyle. However, whether we like it or not, the gestures made in the evening, before going to sleep, in many cases determine the quality of our life. While reading before bed has always been a tradition, in recent times it is a habit that is disappearing.

This is a real shame, because it is a good way to heal health and the brain. Let’s see it in detail.

Read in bed

Reading before bed and its unexpected benefits

A relaxing shower, pajamas, a hot herbal tea and then in bed with a book: a simple, economical and rewarding habit. It can even change our life in some ways.

If you think this claim is an exaggeration, hear what science says about it. Reading before falling asleep is a small happiness that we shouldn’t give up.

A very effective way to relax

A study conducted by the English institute The Sleep Council concluded with an interesting result. Reading half an hour or an hour before falling asleep significantly reduces our stress levels.

  • The mind gets distracted and moves away from everyday pressures. The book offers her an environment in which to free herself, feel safe and distance herself.
  • The muscles of the body also relax, breathing slows down and becomes more regular.
  • Reading, according to the researchers, is a better alternative to television and electronic devices. The latter “trick” the brain into believing that it is still daytime. It is the effect of blue light that directly reduces the production of melatonin.
Child reading in bed

Improve cognitive endurance

Although there is currently no cure for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, there is one element in our favor: the ability to train the brain to make it more resilient, stronger in the face of cognitive decline.

We can do it with a good book. Furthermore, by adopting the habit of reading before bed, we optimize brain processes.  We manage stress better, sleep better, stimulate memory, mental agility, imagination… It is worth taking this into account .

A stimulus for creativity

A creative mind needs a relaxed brain. A person who feeds on stories, notions, facts, possibilities and fabulous discoveries every night further stimulates his inventiveness, his originality and his ability to create. Reading psychology experts, such as Keith E. Stanovich of the University of Toronto, assure you that few habits are so good for children’s development.

Books not only increase their culture, vocabulary and expressive skills, they also increase their capacity for abstract thinking.

Improve empathy

Raymond Mar, a psychologist at the University of York in Canada, with the most works and studies helped defend the following premise: Reading helps us be more empathic. The novels, the stories of others offer us the unique opportunity to develop this ability. We identify with the characters, we suffer, laugh and love with them …

All of this leaves a mark on us and invites us to improve our empathic capacity. Strange as it may seem, reading before bed further improves this process. It is a time when we focus much more on our readings, we are more likely to capture emotions, making them more vivid in our brain.

Boy reading in bed

Promotes inner calm

Few things can be more negative than going to bed in a bad mood. Angry about a stressful day at work, upset about a disagreement with your partner, worried about the news, about what happened to us yesterday or will happen tomorrow.

One way to “break” the worry cycle is to use a book. Reading before falling asleep is like taking a ticket to an island of peace. It means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, with other ideas, other ideals and another life. For just half an hour or two hours, we come into contact with a parallel universe and take a little respite from our reality.

Doing it, giving us a moment of daily peace, means training the brain in the art of calm and relaxation. Do not hesitate to practice this exercise every evening. Pick up a paper book (not electronic) and let it take you wherever it wants.

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