Miracle Morning, The Way To Be More Successful

Have you ever heard of the miracle morning? It is a method that aims to encourage a productive start to the day. Here’s what it is and how it works.
Miracle morning, the way to be more successful

Many people want to achieve success in the areas where we work the most. For example, you may wish for a better relationship with your partner; maybe you dream of more free time to devote to what you really like or maybe your greatest desire is to enjoy iron health. Well, although there are many methods that can help you with this, one of the most notable is the miracle morning. In this article we will see what this strategy with such a suggestive name consists of.

The  miracle morning , also known as the SAVERS method, was proposed by the American author Hal Elrod. This writer had an experience that changed his approach to life. After a car accident, his heart stopped for six minutes. Although he was able to fully recover, he remained in a coma for a week. His condition was so bad that doctors thought he would never walk again.

But against all odds, Elrod managed to overturn that tragic prediction. From that moment he decided to devote himself to traveling to tell people about the teachings received from this experience. What enabled him to avoid paralysis? How did you cope with pain and depression? As we will see together, these successes are due to the miracle morning: strength is hidden in an adequate morning routine.

White alarm clock

What is the miracle morning?

This method serves to promote personal development and is based on the idea that the early hours of the morning are essential for well-being. Depending on the morning activities, the rest of the day will completely change. For example, if you get up and just look at WhatsApp or emails, it is likely that it will cost you more to focus on important tasks later on.

On the contrary, spending the first few moments of the morning thinking about your purposes will help you live more fully. The miracle morning method is, therefore, designed to make the most of these first hours. To achieve this, you just have to follow the SAVERS system, which actually hides an acronym:

  • S of silence.
  • A for affirmation.
  • V display.
  • And exercise.
  • R to read ( read in English).
  • S to write.

According to Hal Elrod, doing these six activities as soon as you get up will totally change your way of life. To do this, he recommends that you set your alarm clock earlier by one hour. Of course, many find it difficult to get up early, especially when it comes to losing an hour of sleep. But if you are really interested in the miracle morning method, here are the guidelines to follow.

1- Silence

The first thing Elrod recommends as soon as you get up is to immerse yourself in an environment of complete calm. Silence will allow you to concentrate once you wake up and remember your existential purpose. To perform this step correctly, you will need to spend the first five minutes awake in a place other than bed. During this period, you can carry out various activities:

  • Meditate.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Think about your goals.

In this way, instead of waking up in anguish, as it might normally happen, we will lay the groundwork for feeling good throughout the day.

Woman does yoga to promote the miracle morning

2- Affirmation

The second activity of the miracle morning also takes no more than five minutes. It’s about using affirmations to improve your self-esteem and feel good about yourself.

We are talking about phrases that we will repeat to ourselves with the intention of changing our way of thinking. Their content is usually related to the beliefs we want to establish in our mind. For example, we can repeat that we are able to face a certain difficulty. This, if done enough times, will eventually penetrate our subconscious.

We can also use affirmations to reflect on what we want to achieve in our life. So, we’ll start the day with clearer goals. It will be easier to focus on activities that are important to us and throughout the day.

3- Display

The next step in making the statements is visualization. This technique is widely used in various therapies. The idea is to imagine a situation in the future where you have already achieved everything you want. How do you feel? What would you do? How did you get there?

The key to a correct visualization is that the images generated foster positive motivations, while still remaining credible. If you imagine something too complicated, the brain will reject that concept. This can cause the opposite effect and make you feel bad. On the contrary, if you respect these guidelines, visualizing your future goals for five minutes will allow you to transform your life.

4- Exercise

Among the many activities suggested by the miracle morning method, this is certainly one of those that produces the most positive effects. Playing sports is good for physical and mental health. Turning exercise into a morning habit will benefit your life tremendously.

Girl runs in the morning near the sea

Lack of time is the first justification for those who never do sports. It makes sense if you need to join the gym, run for an hour on the treadmill, and lift weights. But there are many other options that allow you to overcome the limits imposed by the daily routine. Instead of feeling like a hamster stuck in a wheel, why not do yoga at home following a video tutorial? Or, if you prefer physical training, you can always exercise the muscles with weights or with the free body, always at home.

It takes just 20 minutes every morning to train your body and notice all the benefits of this healthy habit.

5- Read

Reading is one of the healthiest habits for the mind. One study found that most of the presidents of large corporations read an average of 50 books a year. While it’s not mandatory to follow this rhythm, incorporating this activity into your morning routine can work wonders.

The author of the miracle morning recommends reading for about 20 minutes, in which time you can read about 10 pages. That might not sound like a lot, but if repeated every day, after a year we will have read 18 books of about 200 pages.

Equally important is choosing what you read. If possible, choose a topic that you like and that fosters a positive attitude in you. This way, your motivation throughout the day will be much higher.

6- Write

Finally, Elrod recommends dedicating the last 5 minutes of the morning routine to writing a personal journal. You will be able to capture your ideas, worries and dreams. Or even use it to measure your progress in different areas of life.

Write in notebook

Journaling is something you’ve all thought about at least once, but few people actually do it. If you try, you will notice a greater focus on what you want to achieve. It can also help you remember pleasant episodes when you are going through a difficult phase.

Starting the day on the right foot generates a positive inertia that will accompany you throughout the rest of the day. In this article, you have discovered the miracle morning method, which proposes six activities to add to the morning routine. What will you start from? Which of these tips catches your attention the most?

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