Leadership Styles: Goleman And Boyatzis Test

The leader is not born such, he becomes one day after day, training his empathy, learning to become a source of inspiration and to awaken the human potential of the driver. Thus, Goleman’s Leadership Style Test stands out as a sensational tool for discovering who we are leaders.
Leadership styles: Goleman and Boyatzis tests

The Goleman and Boyatzis Leadership Style Test has a very specific goal: to assess the impact of certain leaders on our emotions. The two experts first presented this tool with the book Being a Leader , published in 20o1. The idea was to highlight one personality in particular: that of the resonant leader.

Daniel Goleman argues that in the world of business and economics, the emotional area must be given greater prominence, within the framework of human capital. The author argues that a good leader, after all, not only makes the company reliable or productive, but his leadership style affects each worker, the company atmosphere, well-being and motivation.

Goleman, Boyatzis and McKeep emphasize the figure of the resonant leader. It is that person who has sufficient self-awareness to perceive what is good and what is bad in a given situation. It is an individual who puts aside their negative emotions and transmits enthusiasm, trust and empathy to others.

Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate which leadership defines an individual specifically to understand what he transmits to his team, his employees or those around him. Because the good leader is not the one who flaunts the most power, the one who determines the guidelines. In reality it is that person, man or woman, who is able to make the most of all those around him / her.


Goleman and Boyatzis leadership styles test

In the book Being a Leader , Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee tell us about six leadership styles. These profiles form the basis of Goleman’s and Boyatzis’ leadership styles test, a particularly useful resource for any director, HR department, and any person who wants to know how to interpret and practice leadership.

But one point needs to be clarified. A leader is not a mediator for the success of their team, someone who offers resources, who guides and who gives the necessary training to achieve the objectives of the company. In reality, a leader is also a person who has some influence on others, such as a friend, family member, neighbor, etc.

According to Goleman, Boyatzis and Mckee, more positive and resonant leadership requires nurturing and improving, not just directing and giving orders. In this way, changes and a well-being from which everyone benefits take shape.

Consequently, the Goleman and Boyatzis Leadership Style Test not only gives us information about the leaders we are, but also gives us guidelines on what we should improve.

A leader

What is the Leadeship Style Test?

The Goleman and Boyatzis Leadership Style Test consists of a 6-part scale. Each of these parts evaluates a type of leadership and 9 questions are asked to calculate whether a person has scored a low, medium or highly significant score.

It consists of a total of 54 elements (questions), to which the person being assessed will have to answer with a Yes or a No. Let’s take a closer look at the types of leadership measured by the test in question.

1. The visionary leader

The visionary leader uses experience, motivation and enthusiasm to inspire his followers. He is aware of his priorities and passes them on to others with positivity. At the same time, he tends to leave a lot of freedom to his subordinates so that they can achieve any goal with their own resources.

2. Leadership styles: the personal coach

The leader who acts as a personal coach takes care of each individual individually. He listens to him, helps him and contributes closely to his growth within the organization.

3. Affiliate leader

This leadership style is defined by empathy. These are individuals sensitive to the problems of others and prefer people more than goals, creating a harmonious and balanced environment.

Leadership styles

4. Democratic leader

This style revolves around the need to always obtain consent. Democratic leader nurtures team flexibility, as well as equality; meets everyone’s needs and makes use of incentives.

5. The controlling leader

The controller leader stands as a point of reference. He expects others to follow him and do the same because he sees himself as an example of superiority and efficiency. In addition, it tries to achieve short-term goals, supervises every task and tries to have control over every movement performed by its staff.

6. Authoritarian leader

The coercive or authoritarian style is one that makes use and abuse of one’s power. He demands obedience and respect for his authority and for this reason he demands that everything he wishes be realized, and that it be done as soon as possible.

It must be said that this type of leadership does not tolerate opinions and every task must be completed in the footsteps of tradition and obedience. Any innovative opinion, any different and original suggestion is perceived as an attempt to challenge its authority.

How to interpret the results of the Goleman and Boyatzis leadership styles test?

The Goleman and Boyatzis Leadership Style Test offers us information of a different nature. To begin with, some significance of the 6 styles described here is generally presented. Thus, in general, some may score high in the dimensions of authoritarianism and control. Others, on the other hand, will get it in the personal coach and democratic leader category.

According to Goleman, the effective leader normally moves in at least three of the six styles on this scale, whereas the visionary, democratic leader and personal coach are the ideal ones. It is worth reflecting on it and keeping it in mind, not just in the workplace.

In a sense, we are all part of social groups (friends, family, work colleagues…). In other words, we are a source of influences, able to inspire, support, listen and make the most of those we have at our side.

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