Is Being Too Responsible Hurt?

Being responsible is considered a positive quality, but do you think being too responsible can become harmful? Why get to hurt us? We talk about it in this space.
Is Being Too Responsible Hurt?

Nowadays our rhythms of life are marked by commitments which, as a side effect, load us with responsibility. We keep repeating words like “I have to…”, “I need to do…” or “I should have gone…”. These seemingly innocent sentences subject us to a series of obligations and responsibilities that can harm us. A question arises: can being too responsible hurt?

Taking on some responsibilities is good, and it is also necessary, but if we do not know how to manage them, we will have thoughts that will influence our behavior towards ourselves and others.

An exaggerated sense of responsibility has been associated with a wide variety of consequences : anxiety, depression, obsessions, eating disorders, communication problems, etc.

Afflicted man reflecting on being too responsible.

Being Too Responsible: What Does This Conduct Conceal?

Being responsible means, by definition, becoming aware and committed to carrying out one’s duty. A very strong sense of responsibility, in fact, could indicate other harmful psychological aspects.


Responsibility means wanting to do things and wanting to do them well. Everyone obviously likes to be efficient and get good results. However, there are people in search of true perfection.

The problem is that the concept of perfection is subjective and is based on what everyone considers ideal. Thus, a perfectionist usually sets himself ambitious goals and will not consider his mission over until he has achieved them.

Precisely for this reason he will spend a lot of time on the goal, coming to assume rigid and even authoritarian attitudes. The problem lies in the fact that the perfectionist suffers if he fails to achieve his goal.

Moreover, he is pervaded by insecurity and a lack of self-esteem. And this is because he will rarely be satisfied with the result obtained and any mistake will be perceived as a real emotional failure.

To demand too much of yourself

Based on the above, highly responsible people tend to demand too much. They would like to take on a lot of responsibilities, especially as this way they make sure they get it all done and do it the “right” way. This also leads them to demand too much. They want to overcome all obstacles and fulfill all their duties, with levels of commitment likely beyond their real abilities.

Being too responsible and demanding can turn into a trap. The goal can become to surpass oneself or others, rather than doing one’s duty. In case of inconvenience or if the result falls short of expectations, feelings of frustration, shame and guilt will prevail.

Expectations that come from being too responsible

Having duties means having expectations. Whether it’s completing an important task at work or picking up a package for a relative, someone expects a result from us. And obviously a perfectionist, who demands a lot of himself, cannot fail in the enterprise.

At the same time, a very responsible person has high expectations of him. As with the aspects previously discussed, setting expectations helps, on the one hand, to achieve a goal. But on the other hand there is the danger of failing to do so. The result is unlikely to be exactly as expected, which is why the consequences can be fatal.

Being too responsible: consequences …

Irredeemably accountability leads to a more rigid idea of ​​what is right and more worries. Thus, as in everything, when this aspect reaches high levels it causes a series of consequences which, if not managed, can cause considerable damage.

… Psychological

Worries are the fruit of anticipating future events. Thus, focusing on achieving the desired goals, on the desire to overcome oneself, ends up generating a state of anxiety.

In this regard, a study conducted by the University of Hiroshima and Central Florida indicates that responsibility is the common denominator of disorders such as generalized anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Scientists have identified three main types of responsibility: the subjective need to care for and protect others, the excessive effort in trying to find a solution to a problem, and the sense of guilt because one feels responsible for everything.

The same study argues that the latter type generates more anxiety. This is because it leads to constantly thinking about the repercussions of one’s actions, giving an additional reason for concern and responsibility.

Tired woman with cup in hand.

… And social

People who are too responsible, as already mentioned, demand too much of themselves. They are also often very demanding with others.

Their rigid positions and their firm belief in what is right lead them to expect others to do the same, so they are unlikely to understand ways of acting other than their own. This explains why few people live up to their expectations.

In essence, people who are too responsible have a closed and distorted view of reality, and take on duties that probably do not even exist, pretending to carry them out.

It is good to prioritize and learn about your real possibilities. And, above all, you need to identify your limits.

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