I Will Continue To Love You Despite The Distance

I will continue to love you despite the distance

Distance is tricky for any couple, it’s a litmus test that will determine if the relationship can work or not. Still, why do some people refuse to even try to keep a love from a distance? Why do others, on the other hand, manage to emerge victorious from this situation?

Many couples, when circumstances dictate a distance in some way, actually choose to leave the relationship. They do it directly and do not even reflect on the possibility that distance is a stumbling block that they can overcome. It is also true that many others embark on the adventure of trying to resist an obstacle, which is anything but small.

Long-distance loves seem difficult

Distance always seems difficult because we don’t have that contact that all relationships need. We think that without this our relationship could crumble, that love could suffer and that everything ends before its time. But … why not give it a try?

There are many people who for work reasons have to continue their relationship at a distance, for many it is a situation that is fine, for others not very much. What’s the catch? In reality there is no single factor, it is rather a collection of things. They are people who, despite having a partner, appreciate a certain independence. People for whom emotional contact is more important and know how to preserve it, even though physical contact is limited.

Red thread

On the other hand,  distance is usually an obstacle that seems very big at first, especially if the couple has had the opportunity to live together. People who survive this first phase, in general, sooner or later adapt by creating personal mechanisms to make up for the lack: a night phone call, a letter, a huge dose of patience, etc.

If, however, this distance does not have an end, a third stage will soon appear in which the obstacle begins to somehow get bigger and bigger. The injuries suffered no longer believe in hope and, sooner or later, the two begin to give up silently. For this reason, it is so important to have a date that somehow puts an end to this situation.

Staying away shouldn’t be a barrier

What do people do to keep a love at a distance? Is distance really a barrier? The truth is that we create the barriers ourselves, because, in reality,  this distance is only a phase of your relationship that you may overcome or even appreciate. If you have never been in a situation like this before or if you are faced with these circumstances, you need to know that there are some tricks that can help you. Here they are!

  • Keep in touch

    : without contact you will become two real strangers, so  you have to take advantage of all the tools that technologies can offer you to communicate every day,  talk, share your fears, doubts, dreams. In conclusion, talk to that very special person in your life.

  • Trust

    : being apart can result in the birth of jealousy, because we do not know what is happening to our partner. For this reason, it  is important to trust the other person and for this you will need to talk about the relationship. As you can see, communication is still the basis.

  • Be flexible

    : Just because your partner is far away doesn’t mean they don’t need space. For this reason, never get angry if you call him more often or if he doesn’t get in touch with you as much as you would like. His schedule is likely to prevent him from doing so. If you want to avoid absurd discussions, be flexible. 


Wanting is power

Relationships are not a path studded with roses, rather, like all  relationships, they have positive moments and negative moments. The big question is whether you are willing to give everything for a relationship, to strive to make it work.

If both of you want something, distance won’t stand in your way. It is clear, it will be a difficult situation, but who said that what we want is not difficult to obtain? Everything we want has a price, and it takes effort. What would become of us if everything was easy!


The hardest things to achieve are the ones most important to our life,  and also the ones that will make us feel better when we get over them. Don’t deny yourself a long-distance relationship for fear it won’t work. Perhaps it is true that love can do anything.

Have you lived a long-distance love? Do you think they are difficult to bear? Each of us has a different experience and vision on this type of relationship. Yet I believe we can all come to the conclusion that  if love is true and both members of the couple make an effort, there will be no barriers that can stand in the way of the relationship. 

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