I Refuse To Be A Footnote In The Book Of My Life

I refuse to be a footnote in the book of my life

I will be the protagonist of my story and I will not get carried away by what others will say or by the easier ways, but I will fight for the person I am and defend my identity, my own life and my happiness. In the book of my life, there will be painful chapters that will make me cry, while others will bring out my best smile, but all, without exception, will be narrated by my voice.

Although there will be some people who, with the best of intentions, will try to lead my life because they think they can write better chapters, because they think I won’t suffer that way, I want to tell them that, sometimes, you have to suffer to grow and to build own story.

Others, on the other hand, will directly try to become the protagonists of my book, my narrators, my voice, but not because they want my good, but because they are toxic people who need to live more stories by hurting others, taking away from them. the leading role and being the most important characters in history.

To these envious, gossipy and harmful people I will not dedicate a single line of my book because, even if they want to be the protagonists, they will not even be able to be the villains or the antagonists, they will not matter. These people live off the value that others give them  and in my case I have decided that they are not worth a word, not even a drop of ink.

I will be the protagonist of my story, even if it will hurt, because those who love me will accept me even with my mistakes and will become a fixed point, the stick on which to lean to get up; those who love me do not try to change me, they accept me as I am, with my past, because that is my story, my life.

The best chapters of the book of my life are lived in company

In the book of my life, the best chapters are always those lived in company. Those crazy, loud and, at the same time, common sense companies. The ones that bring out our craziest smiles, the ones that really mark us, the ones we call friends, the best company imaginable.

Some friends are on a single page, they make you smile with a few scattered paragraphs. Others, however, occupy entire chapters, leaving the imprint of a period that we will always remember. Yet, the most important, true friends, are those who are always there, in good times and bad, those who, from the moment they appear, accompany us in all our adventures.

The important ones, the best ones, are the ones that are there and will always be there, whatever happens. It is to them that we must value, instead of wasting our time with the stories of those who just want to hurt us. We must dedicate ourselves to those who are always there when we need them, those who with a glance are able to tell us much more than what others say with false words.


I am writing it, I am living it

And as in many of my books, there will be chapters underlined and full of footnotes, with the pages worn out because I have reread them so many times that they begin to have a different meaning, especially when I see them again in the company of those who support me most and loves me.

In my book there will also be crooked lines, marked by the anger and tears caused by those who hurt me, but who, at the same time, taught me to live my own story. Because we all know the villains of fairy tales, but the really important characters are the ones who teach us what is really valuable and which are the people who are worth having next to, they are the ones who teach us who the real friends are.


For this reason, I learned that in the book of my life the protagonist is me, it is I who write it and it is I who live it. And I don’t care who disagrees. Just like I choose who to keep by my side and what to do in each paragraph. I simply refuse to be a footnote in the book of my life because, in this story, I am the protagonist.

You have to fight for what you want, for what really matters, for a life of your own. Because being happy is difficult, and sometimes it even hurts, but not fighting to avoid suffering hurts even more. Being led by people who seek the protagonism only to not make their own decisions or because they try to please everything and everyone, prevents us from writing our story, because they are the ones to tell it to us.

Furthermore, we must remember that the mistakes of the past no longer matter. Because the past that has already been written has brought us to this present with a future that has yet to be written, in which we can learn from the mistakes of the previous chapters and choose the characters who will continue to accompany us in the next chapter.

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