I Like People Who Leave Their Mark Without Hurting

I like people who leave their mark without hurting

I like people who leave their mark and don’t need to hurt others. People who have earned a special place in my heart. People who have taught me the value of friendship, sincerity and trust. Thanks to all these special people, I was able to know true happiness. However, I didn’t do well with them.

We are full of marks left by people we have forgotten too quickly. Not because we don’t appreciate the moments shared with them or because we don’t care about their support that made us strong, but because we have given more relevance to all those who in some way have hurt us.

People who leave marks that are scars

We are able to distinguish the people who make us feel good from those who hurt us. The decision to let go of those who hurt us, to walk away or to disappear simply does not occur to us. We allow these people to play with our feelings, that they continue to treat us badly. We are aware of the path to take, but guilt and fear make us doubt.

We give much more importance to who affects us in a negative way. Perhaps because it is in moments of sadness, depression or fear that we begin to appreciate and value what we have. Think about when you are sick and you can not get out of bed, is it not true that you value the moments when you are well? However, when you heal, this feeling disappears: the routine fills with dust, hides what is actually extraordinary.


The same goes for personal relationships. People who leave us scars tend to stay longer in our memory. We blame them for our malaise, we focus on what they meant to us, on how they made us feel. This is because they made us live a negative experience and our survival instinct preserves traces of it in the form of a memory, in case fate wants to propose a similar circumstance to us again.

We should pay attention to people who leave their mark, not scars. We should thank them for all the good things they have allowed us to learn about ourselves. We should be aware of what they have brought into our life, without forgetting anything. There is no need to suffer or have a wound to remember someone. The best signs are subtle, only those who know how to appreciate them can perceive them.

The trace of who is important

It is worth focusing on everything good people have given us. It will be useless to do it with those who have hurt us and took advantage of us if we have already removed them from our life. If we act in this way, we are filled with sadness which sooner or later will become a grudge.

Let’s ask ourselves: “what kind of sign do I want to leave?”. Because we too can become people who leave their mark without hurting. Not giving due importance to the people who deserve it can prolong a wound that we leave in others and that will become an ugly scar.


While it may seem difficult to let go of painful memories, there are several ways to do this. Close your eyes, listen to your body and let yourself be carried away by what you want, by what makes you feel good. Suddenly those people who have left a scar on you will disappear and will be replaced by those who have given you only beautiful things.

You are not the victim of an evil fate, you are not unlucky. You have probably met people who have not been able to treat you in the best way. This, however, must not bring you down and you must not become like those who live only in the past. The people who deserve your attention are the ones who stayed when many others left, the ones who always listened to you carefully when others were just pretending. They are people who have left a mark of love, not a scar.


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