Give Me A Smile So I Can Face It All

Give me a smile so I can face it all

No one is so poor that he cannot give a smile or so rich that he does not need one ; I have not yet known anyone who disagrees with this statement. Smiles are almost always pleasant: it is as if when we receive one, it is accompanied by an aura of positive energy that triggers various emotions in us.

The emotions that we can feel when we receive a smile depend above all on two factors: on the one hand, what the other person means to us, and on the other, how we feel at that precise moment. Either way, a smile can soothe, heal, breathe life into, cheer up, hug, and sometimes even hurt.

Your smile is the only thing I need to feel alive

There are people who are part of our life because, above all, they know how to make us laugh. They have the special gift of knowing when and how to make us smile and they come with a smile just when we need that gesture most. This aspect which, for me, is a gift, is extremely important, because we all know the benefits that laughing implies for our well-being.

Woman with closed eyes and flying hair

Someone who can make us laugh when we want it least deserves it all. And he deserves everything because with that smile he transmits his strength, his desire to live and to see that we live: we will never forget those smiles that made us or make us feel alive.

And we will never even be able to say goodbye to the smiles that have known or know how to arrive and change our worst days : always, always there will be people who will stay for that smile and those who will leave, leaving behind that photo taken by the our eyes as they smiled.

A smile is enough for me to cling to a memory

Memory is one of those things that we must always observe from a positive point of view, to love each other, and from a negative point of view, to learn. Well, when a smile and, with it, a person arrive and make us happy, then that someone will remain forever in our little treasure chest of memories.

And it is then that the time comes to distinguish, to eliminate what has hurt us and what can continue to hurt us, the sad faces that cloud the smiles on the same faces that made us laugh. The time has come to cling to a memory starting with a smile and not a tear, the time not to fade it with pain, however difficult it is. Time to move on.


Clean tabula and new smile

To overcome pain and, of course, regardless of it, simply because it makes us happy, give me a smile with which I can face it all . Yes, slam it in my face and print it on my lips. Smile at those days that you want to desperately erase and never forget : life will certainly not be there waiting for you to complain more than necessary, even if it hurts inside.

Go beyond what happens, put a period, go to head and start over with a new smile. They say that everything in life passes, better or worse, and that the solution to everything is attitude: there will be situations that will force us to be very strong, others that will make us feel as if we are flying, but the result we will get it will come out of how we deal with these situations.

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