Five Simple Ideas To Cultivate Cheerfulness And Happiness

Five simple ideas to cultivate cheerfulness and happiness

Happiness does not appear suddenly, by magic. We have to go out and look for it. Each person’s decisions, thoughts and actions can affect their level of happiness, as well as their attitude towards what happens to them.

According to the research of experts, happiness depends mainly on the personality of each of us, and in particular on our thoughts and behaviors. This means that everyone can be happy, because we can learn to be happy simply by adopting certain behaviors.

The problem is that many times we are not happy with what we have and we always want what others have, believing that they are happier than us.

There is only one secret to being happy: exercise.

Many people complain that they are unhappy, but they do nothing to change their situation .  However, it’s much simpler than it sounds, precisely because it’s all about attitude. For example, we can choose whether to always think about the negative side of things or see the glass half full and draw optimistic conclusions; we can always think the worst of others or give them an opportunity without judging them at first glance; we can be ashamed of something we have done or that happened to us or we can choose to laugh at ourselves, without giving it too much importance.

Even if every situation is different , it is always possible to increase our level of optimism by learning to laugh at simple things. For some it may be complicated, but it’s just a matter of practice.

How do happy people cope with life?

It seems that people who are truly happy have intuitively understood that happiness is the sum of different aspects of their life. Their positive attitude is based on the following pillars:

  • Make time for family and friends
  • They appreciate what they have
  • They have an optimistic attitude even in the face of difficulties
  • They feel they have a purpose in life
  • They live in the present

So here are some useful tips to put this way of life into practice and be happier and happier!

1 – Invest time in personal relationships

Even though friends and family are always by your side, ready to celebrate your successes and help you through difficult times, these are still relationships that need to be nurtured and maintained.

Therefore, dedicate quality time to the people you love, cultivating pleasant and satisfying relationships. Take care of them and enjoy your time together. It is very important to be kind to others, not to overdo criticism (not even masking it as “constructive criticism”) and to show sincerely interested in them.

2 – Be happy for what you have and show gratitude

The gratitude is much more than a simple “thank you”. It is a feeling of admiration, appreciation, thanks for life. It can be difficult to understand how lucky we are if we only think about what we want but don’t have. Very often it takes a serious illness or a tragic event to realize what we have lost and appreciate the good things.

Practicing gratitude every day, trying to find at least one thing that enriches our life, helps us to value and enjoy what we have, instead of complaining about other things.

3 – Cultivate optimism

Develop the ability to see the bright side of things. Negative events happen, there is no point in denying it. But that doesn’t mean that everything has to be against us.

To start thinking more optimistically, we need to learn to recognize negative thoughts as they creep into our mind, and reflect on what is happening:

– Is the situation really that bad?
– Is there another point of view from which to look at it?
– What can I learn from this experience to prevent it from happening again in the future?

4 – Find your purpose in life

People who strive to achieve a goal or fulfill a mission are happier than those who have no aspirations in life.

Having a goal helps us to make sense, a purpose, to what we do. Build self-esteem and bring people closer. The important thing is not the goal but the path, and the work you have to do to reach the goal.

Try to make your daily activities have a long-term purpose in order to give direction to your life. Many studies and research suggest that cultivating meaningful personal relationships is what gives life a deeper meaning.

Think of something that fills you with enthusiasm and energy , think about how you would like to be remembered, and find something that is truly worth living for.

5 – Live in the present

Look for opportunities that allow you to savor the small pleasures of everyday life , focusing on the positive aspects of that moment, without the shadow of the past or bad thoughts ruining it.  The seconds you dedicate to a hug, to enjoy the image of your children playing or to admire the beauty of a landscape, will not waste your time. On the contrary: they will help you change your point of view, even make you make better decisions.

True happiness is so simple that most people don’t even realize how close it is. She is the daughter of what is most humble, peaceful and modest in the world.

Orison Swett Marden

Image courtesy of Peyri Herrera

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