Finding The Motivation: Tips

Finding the motivation: tips

How can you find the motivation? A force so real and powerful that it pushes us to perform extraordinary feats to achieve the goals we have set ourselves. You all know tennis champion Rafa Nadal and his self-cheering screams when the match gets tough. This feeling of being capable where does it come from? The one responsible is our inner voice.

The voice of self-motivation makes us do the everyday things that weigh most on us, such as going to work, studying, playing sports. Our mind, our thoughts have the strength enough to excite us, to feed in us the passion with which we begin the path towards our goals.

It is estimated that the mind processes about 60,000 thoughts per day on average, or 40 thoughts per minute. We think and react mentally to the circumstances or moments we live based on an infinity of emotional variables. Many of these thoughts go unnoticed, others try to hold them back if they try to escape, still others become part of our reality.

Woman in profile find motivation

We start from an early age to have opinions about ourselves and the environment in which we live. Opinion is defined as the idea, judgment, belief that a person has or is created about something or someone.

Opinions are respectable and the fruit of their own diversity, but this does not mean that they all contain a truth. Objectively, it is impossible to evaluate as truthful all those 60,000 thoughts we talked about earlier. They are simple personal judgments, with no guarantee of validity. Many of these help us to reflect, to find inspiration, to fuel motivation, others, on the other hand, boycott us by becoming a demotivating factor.

Self-motivation and motivation factors

However, for each demotivating factor there are others that foment positive motivation and make us feel able to do anything. How do you create that impulse that can positively influence our mood? How do you give more weight to motivational factors? How can we feel capable without having to listen to outside voices?

7 strategies to find motivation

Here are some strategies to find the motivation you need to face any challenge life offers you:

Create a dialogue with yourself

In order not to perceive every thought as an irrefutable truth, create a healthy dialogue with yourself. You need to understand what thoughts will help you reach your goals. At first you will struggle a little, you can try to create a fictional character to name and talk to. Sometimes you will have to give him limits, sometimes you will have to reassure him, but over time you will be able to create a friendship that will last a lifetime.

Become aware of your state of mind

We live within our moods, some more productive and constructive than others. Self-compassion will help you endure difficult times, knowing that you have the resources to change things. Train with exercises that connect your mind and body, such as yoga or mindfulness.

Wooden statue with a heart

Go from obligations to decisions

How many of your thoughts begin with “I have to do …”? The time has come to make a decision and change these thoughts to “I’ll do …”. Make a list of all these “duties” and you will realize that many depend on routines you have created, on inherited habits or on rules that are not necessary in everyday life. How many of these “must” are really your personal decision?

Work on your personal values

Personal values ​​are deep convictions that determine a person’s way of being and guide his or her behavior. When they become action, they are very powerful. For each demotivating factor there is a personal value that restores balance, which makes it more powerful.

Create a positive attitude in learning

You are concrete people, if what you want is to find motivation, the pursuit of perfection will get you nowhere. In this sense, a positive attitude towards the possibilities of learning contemplates the error as part of the process itself. Learn and adapt. When you accept imperfection, you take  the first step towards excellence.

Upgrade to excellence

When we foment motivation, we find a lot of satisfaction in achieving what we desire. There is no need to compete with anyone, excellence will make you improve day by day. With need, but also with understanding.

Girl with a suitcase and balloons in her hand

Trust yourself

Trust yourself, start little by little. If you have tried in the past with no results, it doesn’t mean you can’t do it now. Have faith, at all times, try to do things as best you can. Believe in yourself, there is no need to be a world champion like Rafa Nadal, but we can take an example from his determination.

Remember one important thing: self-motivation is born within us, starting from the strengths and qualities of each of us. Don’t give up on the first attempt, nor the second, nor the third… Each step you take is a way to show that you can improve. Don’t underestimate yourself. Mistakes will always be there in your life, it’s up to you to turn them into opportunities to learn something valuable. As long as you have the will to turn them into strengths, there will never be a failure.

Self-motivation arises in the present, when confidence in your possibilities will be the seed for this quote from Abraham Lincoln to accompany you throughout your journey.

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