Delta Waves: What Do We Know?

Delta brain waves are mysterious and fascinating. We are aware of their existence since the early 20th century, when they were discovered by Gray Walter.
Delta waves: what do we know?

Delta brain waves are mysterious and fascinating. We are aware of their existence since the early 20th century, when they were discovered by Gray Walter. We know that they travel at a frequency ranging from 0 to 4 Hz and that they are considered the slowest of those produced by the brain. They are associated with well-being and inner calm.

Beyond that, we don’t know much about delta waves. They arouse great curiosity, precisely because they are present in states of maximum quiet. However, it is not yet understood why they exist and we know very little about how they work.

There are already several studies conducted in the world and oriented to plumb the mysteries that revolve around the delta waves. The more progress we make, the more surprises we have and the more questions arise.

Delta waves

Delta waves of the brain

All the data known to date suggest that delta waves do not have a close relationship with consciousness. That is to say, they never manifest themselves during waking states, quite the opposite. They can be found during the deepest stages of sleep, that is, during the moments when we do not dream. 

Research has made it possible to establish that the delta waves of the brain intervene in the stages of deep meditation. Through laboratory supervision, it has been observed that the stages of deep relaxation favor the production of these waves.

Moreover – and this is the surprising aspect – it has been possible to establish that when the human being is in the mother’s womb, delta waves are predominant. This concept is still valid until the first year of life, although it is gradually reducing. It is hypothesized that this is a cerebral mechanism that would allow the newborn to preserve its calm, despite the multitude of new stimuli to which it is exposed.

The effects of delta waves

At the present time it has been proven that delta waves are closely associated with the deeper states of stillness. However, this is not the only effect of these mysterious waves. There is evidence that they also affect other phenomena, such as the following:

  • They are responsible for quality sleep. If while we sleep we do not reach the phase of deep sleep, which is the one in which the delta waves of the brain are produced, waking up we will most likely feel tired again.
  • They help regulate the most basic functions of the body. If one day our brain does not produce delta waves, other functions, such as breathing and heartbeat, are altered to varying degrees.
  • There are good reasons to think that they also affect intuitive processes. Apparently, the functioning of the unconscious is associated with the production of delta waves in the brain.
  • They affect motivation and empathy. It has been speculated that when the brain produces delta waves frequently, people become more open and empathetic. In addition, the subject’s motivation increases.

Other discoveries

The American Headache Society has published several studies on delta waves. Some of them refer to the fact that the production of these waves by the brain is a factor that significantly affects the presence or absence of migraines. Apparently, the higher the production of delta waves, the less likely you are to suffer from migraines.

At the same time, a study by Wanee Rojviroj establishes a strong relationship between brain waves and stressful situations. In this study it is concluded that delta waves are in themselves a stress reliever. This is why it is hypothesized that they may be related to the body’s production of serotonin and melatonin. However, this has not yet been demonstrated.

There are two factors that cause our brains to produce delta waves. One is deep sleep. For this reason, psychologists insist so much on the importance of getting enough sleep. The other factor is represented by meditation techniques, a real panacea for the brain. By meditating, we will get much more than just a healthy habit.

Delta waves of the brain

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