Appreciate Those Who Dedicate Their Time To It, Because They Will Never Get It Back

Appreciate those who dedicate their time to it, because they will never recover it

We have a bad habit of not giving weight to the time others devote to us. A conversation, a hug, a smile, a “how are you?”, A “I do it because I know you like it”, or simply an accompanying gesture. There are a thousand daily tricks made by the people around us that we do not appreciate.

The seconds, minutes and hours dedicated to it do not necessarily have to come from our family, friends or our partner; the time of strangers is also important. For example, sometimes, thanks to them, we can start the day with a smile because their “good mornings” are full of joy and give us the boost we need. The greatness of people lies in the small details that produce great effects and great affection.

The value of time

couple shaking hands

The story tells that a traveler, while crossing the desert, met an Arab who was reflecting sitting under a palm tree with his camels, loaded with stuff. The traveler assumed that they were valuable goods and that the Arab was going to sell jewels, perfumes and carpets to a nearby town.

Since he had not spoken to anyone for a long time, he approached the thoughtful merchant and said:

«Hello to you friend, you look worried. Can I help you? “

“Eh!” – replied the merchant – ” I am afflicted because I have just lost the most precious jewel of all

“Well, surely losing a piece of jewelry isn’t a big deal for you. Your camels carry a great deal of it, it certainly won’t be difficult for you to replace it. “

“Replace it?” – exclaimed the merchant – “I wish it were that simple! You ignore the value of my loss … “

“What jewel have you lost?” Asked the traveler.

«A jewel different from all the others that can never be reproduced. It was carved from a fragment of the stone of life and had been worked in the workshop of the time. The decoration was made up of 24 brilliants, each of them in turn surrounded by other 60 smaller ones. It is impossible to create a new jewel with such characteristics. “

“Of course, it must have been wonderful” – said the traveler – “But if you earn a lot of money, can’t you make another one like it?”

The lost jewel was a day … And a lost day never comes back “. “

After reading this account, consider: What does a day represent for you? What does your time mean to you? One minute is enough to leave an indelible mark in the heart of another, to choose what you want to do and to enjoy the moment. The important thing is to be aware of the present moment and live it with the people you want in the way you like best, also knowing how to appreciate the dedication of others for you.

If you lose money, you can always get it back; lost time, on the other hand, does not return. Do not waste time complaining then that you have not been able to make the most of it. From now on, enjoy it and appreciate it as one of the most precious assets you have.

Time is not required, it is chosen

There are people unable to notice the effort of others when they alleviate their day, when they color their days gray or when they just want to be part of their company. They believe that the time that others devote to them is an obligation, instead it is a choice. There are those who do not even consider the time of others, those who appreciate it as a treasure, those who demand it as if it were their right.

Each of us is free to devote his time to whoever he wants in the way he wants. Let’s not forget that minutes, hours and seconds are fragments of our life and no one has the power to manage them.

heart shaped bubble

The dedication of time to someone else translates into “I care”, “I love you”, “I support you”, “I like your company” and all this is priceless nor can it be measured in material goods. Because dedicating time means dedicating your life.

For this reason, we must not demand a part of their time from others or beg for it from those who think only of themselves. Time cannot be bought, exchanged and sold. Spending time with each other is a choice that comes from within us and that allows us to emotionally connect with other people.

Time is the greatest gift there is

Value whoever writes to you, who speaks to you, who listens to you, who does you a favor, who accompanies you or who remembers you because he loves you, because he likes to do it, because he feels like doing it. The people who dedicate their time to it know that it is the greatest thing they can offer you and that knowing how to give your time means speaking the language of the heart. Thank them, because in addition to the time, they also give you the opportunity to create memories that one day will awaken in you feelings of joy, nostalgia and consideration.

The best treat we can do to the people who dedicate their time to us is to value it and offer them part of ours.

couple coloring hugging each other

If you translate the moments that others choose to spend with you in emotional language, you will understand that there are many more “I love you” and “I care” than you thought. Therefore, enthusiastically value every second dedicated to you by others, because they are giving you the greatest gift there is: a part of their life.

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