Appreciate The Gestures Of Love Of The People Around Us

Appreciate the gestures of love of the people around us

Words are not necessary to demonstrate true love, the one that makes us shudder and envelops our soul. There are numerous loving gestures that people who love us offer us, and that we do not appreciate, but which contribute to making us feel better. Instead, we should appreciate gestures of love.

A sincere look, a minute of silence or simply take hands.  Small details in the form of silent actions, which however have great significance, and which reassemble our broken pieces.

The art of giving love

Give love, nothing else. Because that’s what it feels like, because the body asks for it, and because there’s no better way to bond with someone. It is the wonderful art that many people practice, but not all of them know how to appreciate.

Those who know how to offer love do not expect anything in return, because their only goal is to give affection.  He is a craftsman of happiness, calm and good relationships. Magical people who transform ordinary days into extraordinary ones.

Their secret weapon is the gestures full of love coming from their noble heart.  They offer a shoulder to those who need it. They support those who stagger and listen to those who feel that their world is falling apart, those who cannot find a way out.

People who know how to give love open their senses to others.  They know how to connect and read each other’s emotions in silence. They are magicians of happiness, purity and affection.

Feeling loved without forgetting the important things

Feeling loved is one of the most beautiful feelings we can experience.  Knowing that someone wants to see us, talk and share their time with us are among the best gifts anyone can give us. Even if they sometimes seem insufficient and insignificant.

We have a bad habit of ignoring the small gestures that others show us every day. These gestures full of love that others have towards us and that, at times, we interpret as due to us.

If someone offers us affection and it is paid, we cannot ignore it. Maybe it doesn’t live up to our expectations or doesn’t match what we expected, but that doesn’t deprive it of value.

In love we must learn to decipher the other and this also implies learning the way in which he communicates his affection.  Knowing that we occupy the other person’s mind is comforting, but it’s not enough to build a good relationship. We cannot become just love receivers.

A gesture does not only imply the intention of others, but also a gift in terms of time and, ultimately, in terms of life. For this we must appreciate it, be grateful and, in some way, let the other know that we value it.

Appreciate the gestures of love

A large number of loving gestures are constantly occurring around us. Gestures that are priceless, but that make a difference. I am able to overturn situations, bring out smiles and flood the soul with positive energy.

They happen everywhere, every second… We just have to be careful to warn them. Here are some of them:

  • A strong hug full of feelings capable of healing any wound.
  • A complicit look.
  • A smile that says “I’m here with you and I love your company”.
  • A sudden gift. It doesn’t need to be a special day.
  • A funny message written on a post-it in any place of passage.
  • Someone who plays your favorite song because they know you like it and it will make your day better.
  • A sweet and delicate caress.
  • Saying “I’m happy for you” getting excited.
  • A look of admiration with bright eyes.
  • A “good morning”, “goodnight” or “have a nice day”.
  • Accompany you on occasions that are important to you.
  • Take your hand so as not to make you feel alone.
  • Show interest in what you do; for what you consider the engine of your life.
  • Listen to your smiles, dry your tears and warn you when you take a risk.
  • Take a few minutes, even if it’s late.
  • Accompany you without asking, because he knows you need it.
  • Be by your side when there is sunshine, rain and storms.
  • Talk to you when you make a mistake. Not to tell you that you were wrong, but to remind you that a lesson can be learned from everything.

We could go on forever… The list is endless. When love is the engine that moves us, the possibilities are endless.

Knowing how to give gestures of love is an art. A kind of magic that others give us and that we must know how to appreciate. Because giving affection means respecting, sharing and transforming. The most important gesture that we must learn to value.

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