Always Look For Reasons To Keep Going

Always look for reasons to move forward

The human being’s interest is not in achieving pleasure or avoiding pain, but in finding the meaning of life,  even if during the journey he lets himself be seduced by other things. Even when we suffer, it is the meaning of life that gives us the strength to keep breathing.

No one can replace you or suffer for you and the difficulties involved in the suffering you feel will depend on the attitude you adopt. We all have a reason to exist,  only sometimes we don’t know what it is, and we have to dig deep into our souls to find it.

As Viktor Frankl, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, says in his book “In search of a meaning in life”: a man who knows that a person who loves him and that he loves or who has a work to finish is waiting for him (a job , a book, a project), assumes his responsibilities and recognizes the “why”, the meaning of his life.

Look for your reasons for moving forward

Sometimes it is tiring to go on, but perhaps  the time has come to stop and look for your why,  reason or reasons to continue on your journey. A profound study of one’s soul is the path we must take to get to know each other.

Each of us has a motivation that helps him to look to the future with enthusiasm and, above all, to enjoy the present. If we immerse ourselves in our life, we will be able to find this motivation. Here are some reflections that will help you find your own reason to move forward.  

woman with butterflies

Enjoy what you have

You cannot live without desires and, although you have to be realistic also in relation to your dreams, it is important to never stop getting excited. Life will teach us that,  at times, we will see our dreams come true, while at other times not,  but that this cannot make us lose the enthusiasm to live.

In reality, the desire and anxious possession of anything impoverishes  and enslaves us. When something we wanted happens, if we don’t try at all costs to hold it back, but enjoy it and let it pass, it will bring us more benefits and more satisfaction.

Value quality and not quantity

In today’s society we want more and more: money, friends, time… However, having more and more things does not make us happy, because it does not matter the quantity of what we have, but the quality. It is not better to have many friends, it is better to have a few, but sincere and honest ones.  

women exchange flowers on a branch

There are many people who struggle in an attempt to have more and more, without realizing that it is a chimera, something that does not make us happy. We are not aware of the fact that the fundamental thing is to be happy and to enjoy what we are and have, to appreciate the little things. 

Look for what you want to find

Life is a continuous and enriching quest, but it is important to think about what you really want to find. It is not about seeking and finding what others expect, but what we really want.   

woman inaffia with hearts

If you look for quarrels, you will find quarrels; if you seek beauty, you will find beauty; if you are looking for love, you will find love… It is a question of living with amazement every extraordinary moment of the present and of seeking wonder in daily events. Look around and appreciate what surrounds you.

Practice intelligent optimism

To preserve your balance and inner peace, strive to live as you think,  to be consistent and to take an inventory of the beautiful and positive things that have happened to you during your existence, because there will certainly be many.

Each of us has gone through a multitude of critical and complicated situations, but these add up to everything good that has happened to us; a smile will curl your face and you will recognize that there are many reasons to breathe every minute, to be optimistic and to enjoy life.  

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