Aldous Huxley And Our Freedom

Decades ago Aldous Huxley dared to describe the future that awaited us. Analyzing the current reality, it seems that his hypotheses were by no means unlikely.
Aldous Huxley and our freedom

In a delicate moment like the present one, immersed in the most absolute uncertainty and subjected to constant change at all levels (economic, political and social), it is perfectly legitimate to question the integrity of one’s freedom. Never was it more appropriate to revise the thinking of an intellectual like Aldous Huxley.

Between 1914 and 1930, the English writer and philosopher was already reflecting on the loss of individual and collective freedom. This is not surprising if we think of the particular historical period, between the first and second world wars and characterized by an uncertainty that Huxley lived on his skin.

It was from these feelings that he drew his conclusions about what was happening. It is not difficult to recognize a parallel with what we are experiencing today.

For Aldous Huxley the most important element in times of crisis is divergent, individual and critical thinking. The only tool to fight against the system and against all the social injustices and tyranny of the world.

Portrait of Aldous Huxley.

Aldous Huxley and the prophecies contained in The New World 

This 1931 Huxley novel predicted modern life in some way. It is a book that warns us about the dangers of the media, of passivity and of how even a society that considers itself intelligent can be pushed to choose dictatorship over freedom.

The new world  is the description of a society where everyone is always happy. But at what price? Through the destruction of the free will of the majority of the population, genetic engineering and Pavlovian conditioning (by Ivan Pavlov), which entertains people with distractions of all kinds by preventing them from thinking. Even the use of “drugs” is foreseen, in case all else fails.

In The New World  an absolutist regime reigns, which strives to guarantee order; a dictatorship ruled by ten oligarchs who depend on a sprawling bureaucracy to keep the world running.

Through the tool of conditioning, people are moved to love their submission and be proud of the work they do, feeling relieved that they don’t have to worry about the world’s problems.

The 4 Prophecies of Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley, who also experienced the onset of the Cold War, released a statement for the BBC in 1958 in which he predicted that one must be vigilant, wake up and question population control and power management.

Media slaves in the hands of private interests

In modern society, most people are no longer able to spend more than thirty minutes without looking at their cell phones. Some more, some less, we are all slaves.

As predicted by Huxley, we are no longer free to be bored by the continuous flow of information that circulates on the Internet, on television and in the media in general. And all of this has also started to affect our mental health.

While distraction is necessary, Huxley warns that distraction cannot become more important than real problems. It is no coincidence that there are those who take advantage of entertainment to distract us and gain power to our advantage by making us apathetic and devoid of critical thinking.

Advertising and consumerism

Consumerism is also used to direct our attention and our efforts to meet needs that are not real. Consumerism which for Aldous Huxley is a kind of silent dictatorship that conditions people to buy things they don’t need.

During the first half of the twentieth century, television had appeared on the scene to play a decisive role. But today it’s not just about television. We are continually targeted by advertising and social networks: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube.

Each of these means of communication does nothing but induce the consumer to buy products and services.

A dictatorship based on surveillance

For Aldous Huxley, dictatorship at the time was based on the rigorous use of force through surveillance, punishment and a permanent state of war. Although Huxley predicted this use of force through punishment, something that is seen even today, what appears to be a fact is that they observe us.

In a recent interview, journalist Marta Peirano explained that 5G is nothing more than a trap to spy on us. He stated that:

“The Internet is dominated by an economic model based on the collection of data for the manipulation of people in order to sell them objects, services, experiences, political candidates … And it is in the hands of fewer and fewer companies that fight to the death to dominate that market . In fact, governments are customers of these companies and use their infrastructures to control the population, produce fake news or persecute dissidents ”.

The drug revolution will make us love slavery

In The New World , drugs were a tool to keep people “happy” and in control. And now? Many believe this is possible through vaccines.

Take Take the Red Pill , for example , a podcast in which brain experts talk about new mind control techniques.

Hypotheses such as the one that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were allegedly already developing vaccines to introduce microchips into the body that, through 5G, would control the mind were considered. But the truth is, we can’t be sure and there’s no evidence for it.

Aldous Huxley.

Politicians advised by professionals according to Aldous Huxley

All politicians in important positions use advisers who want to ensure that the population is reflected in them, regardless of the content of the speech or the effective measures implemented by the administration they lead. What matters is the appearance, not the reality.

Therefore, marketing and political propaganda are another way to influence people’s decisions in choosing one or the other candidate.

Aldous Huxley was an intellectual with his gaze fixed on a distant horizon: ours today. In his thinking there was a future world in which people would be controlled through technology in a simple and effective way. So much so that we ourselves are ending up strengthening a system that basically makes us prisoners.

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