4 Signs Of Low Emotional Intelligence

4 signs of low emotional intelligence

Having low emotional intelligence is a problem that can have a major influence on social relationships of any kind. There are even experts on the subject who argue that emotional intelligence can carry more weight than the IQ to be successful in life. If there is one type of success that is truly worth the effort and that makes you truly happy, it is in interpersonal relationships.

For this reason, people with low emotional intelligence find it so hard to triumph. The relationships they establish with others tend to be problematic and bare of the fundamental ingredients that make relationships healthy.

Characteristics of people with low emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence plays an important role when interacting with others. With low emotional intelligence, it is difficult to handle situations with your co-workers, bosses, employees, friends, partner, family members, and any other person.

Having underdeveloped emotional skills can make social situations complicated and tense.

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To identify a person with low emotional intelligence or to understand if you yourself are lacking in this skill, pay attention to the list that we propose: you will find some interesting indicators. If, then, you do an exercise in sincerity and you feel represented by these characteristics, it is still a positive sign, because it will mean that you already know what you need to work to improve.

They don’t understand how others feel

People with low emotional intelligence remain alien to the feelings of others. Paradoxically, they feel misunderstood and believe that others do not try hard enough to understand them. This exasperates them and makes them extremely irritating and irritable.

This situation leads people with low emotional intelligence to quarrel often, in most cases motivated by feelings of misunderstanding. One of the problems behind this is that they don’t know how to express their emotions correctly, so they channel them in the form of anger, resulting in very complicated social relationships.

They think others are too sensitive

Their inability to understand the emotions of others leads them to  consider other people too sensitive to their manifestations of anger, sadness and anger. This lack of empathy makes them numb and prompts them to act inadequately.

This way of reacting creates or aggravates conflicts and gives rise to many misunderstandings, as these people are unable to interpret the reactions of others and, consequently, behave inappropriately.

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Because they consider others to be too sensitive and don’t understand their feelings , people with low emotional intelligence stand up for their point of view and refuse to accept other opinions.

This inability increases depending on the emotional component present in the aforementioned opinion. Moreover, this type of people often show themselves pessimistic and excessively critical in the face of the feelings of others.

They can’t handle strong emotions

Strong emotions, their own or those of others, are difficult for people with low emotional intelligence to understand. Individuals of this type, therefore, tend to hide their true emotions and to distance themselves from situations that require externalizing their feelings, to avoid having to face the emotional consequences.

However, escaping is not always possible. For this reason, when the inability to manage emotions becomes evident in tense situations, a disproportionate and uncontrollable emotional storm breaks out in them.

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They have a hard time maintaining relationships of any kind

All interpersonal relationships require continuous giving and receiving, listening skills, an exchange of emotions and empathy. The more intimate the relationship, the more these elements are needed, as well as others, such as compassion or the ability to offer emotional support.

Lack of social skills leads these people to have difficulty establishing healthy relationships with those around them. However, since they are unable to recognize the real reason for the problem, they feel victims of the circumstances; such victimhood only further complicates their relationships.

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