4 Characteristics Common To All Successful Relationships

4 characteristics common to all successful relationships

Having a romantic relationship means much more than having someone close to keep us company. It is not a bond to fill moments of idleness, nor a pretext to cover with a veil the eternal solitude in which we are born and die. Nor is it the stick you lean on to evade your own insecurities and fears.

Love as a couple is a regenerating force that enriches our days and, on more than one occasion, allows us to close the accounts with the darkest experiences of life. A healthy relationship helps us grow. It strengthens our body and mind and allows us to go beyond ourselves : to stop being lone wolves walking along a path of uncertainty.

Building a healthy relationship has more to do with your own efforts than good luck. Here are 4 tips that can help you have a relationship that is a precious and rich phase of your life.

The most important thing: to be confident

Trusting someone means knowing that person, feeling that they know you, and knowing that they would never harm you intentionally or intentionally. To feel that it is a person who is next to you and that you can share with them what you think and what you feel, without calculating or taking precautions.

Is it possible to have all this in a couple relationship? Of course yes. Trust arises when both people involved in the relationship manage to consolidate a mutual support pact, which does not imply the total absence of defects, but the willingness not to hurt the other or being willing to recognize mistakes and to remedy.

Strengthen communication

Communicating involves a process in which all parties involved say what they really want to share, using the best words to express those concepts. Also, they both open their minds and hearts to hear what the other wants or has to say.

It is when this level of communication is reached that one truly enters the territory of intimacy between two human beings. It is not even about something you get in one day. It takes a lot of effort, but the results are worth the effort.

Knowing how to tolerate

The word “tolerance” is not synonymous with resignation or with the repression of hostile feelings. It is a much higher quality that actually refers to the ability to accept the other as he is, without trying to change him. You decide whether you love that person or not.

You cannot try to love it and, at the same time, adopt all possible strategies so that it stops being as it is and becomes a replica of your desires and expectations. Building a healthy relationship means accepting and being accepted, including one’s flaws and mistakes.

Learn to respect

The word “respect” is often repeated in all areas of life. However, we don’t always stop to reflect on its true meaning. Respecting the other means considering him as a worthy being. This implies giving value to his strengths, abilities, ideas, dreams and possibilities. Do not do anything that will belittle, offend, or hurt him. It involves goodwill behavior to find whatever is good for the other person.

Perfect romantic relationships don’t exist. However, with all their imperfections they still manage to become an important emotional support of our life. It is up to the two members of the couple to make this bond a union that stimulates growth or a simple, insignificant phase of life.

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