The 8 Meanings Of The Gesture Of Crossing The Arms

The 8 meanings of the gesture of crossing the arms

Does the expression “Crossing your arms is a sign of closure towards others ” sounds familiar to you ? If your answer is yes, we encourage you to continue reading this article to discover all the  other meanings attributable to this gesture.

What are the real meanings of the gesture?

1.The self-embrace. We cross our arms more often in public than in private. Do you know why? When you are in situations where you are exposed to multiple people, the gesture takes on the simplest meaning of hugging yourself, as it helps you feel comfortable at any time.

In this case, the intention is not to push others away, but just to find some comfort. We challenge you to give it a try: if you see a person in this position, ask them if they are comfortable with it.

How can this type of gesture be identified? The self hug is one of the postures that we assume automatically when we want to feel at ease.

2.Reduce stress. When you are stressed, the act of crossing your arms allows you to position your palms in such a way as to give each other comforting caresses to calm down in a disguised way.

Feeling this contact calms and reassures us, a bit like when you rub your hands. In this case, the gesture has nothing to do with closure or comfort, but with anxiety.

How can it be identified? This gesture can be easily identified: it is a movement of a few moments that implies a strong emotional load. Our body receives the message of tranquility emitted by the person who is performing it.

3. Warm up. It happens to think that the people in front of us who cross their arms do not agree with what we think and say, yet sometimes the simplest explanation is just the correct one : they are simply cold.

How can we spot it? When crossing your arms in the cold, you usually tense your shoulders and upper back. People don’t just cross their arms, they squeeze their shoulders and hold them in tension, in an attempt to generate heat and maintain it.

4. Show off security. Insecure women with the need to protect themselves cross their arms so as not to be too exposed. In turn, those who feel threatened and uncomfortable will take this position as a sign of defense.

This type of hug can be identified by noting how the shoulders do not rise, but rather are oriented forward, while the body curves slightly.

5.Extreme fear. Crossing the arms can be a sign that the person is experiencing a very strong feeling of fear, a great concern that leads them to cross their arms instantly in an attempt to protect their internal organs, which means vital protection.

This type of hug is often accompanied by meaningful gestures such as touching the face or neck, pursing the lips, or making subtle expressions of fear.

6.Self-checking. Many times we cross our arms when we are angry or upset, and we perform the gesture in an attempt to contain ourselves .

A clear example of this kind of ” self hug ” is the case of children, when they are asked for something they do not want to do. With this gesture we are also able to communicate our opposition without having to use the voice. In the case of adults, we tend to do this in situations where we feel frustrated and want to control ourselves, rather than to establish a distance or barrier between ourselves and others.

7. Transmit power . Did you know how to communicate your strength to others using non-verbal language ? Assuming a position where the elbows protrude and crossing the arms in a signal of strong personality.

Crossing the arms makes the rib cage appear larger and stronger . This occurs when they cross over the chest and not over the solar plexus.

8. Cross your arms to isolate yourself. This is the most common meaning generally associated with this gesture. In addition to expressing this determined emotional need, it also serves to temporarily withdraw into an introspective state. In fact, a physical and psychological barrier is created between the person who performs the gesture and the others.

Non-verbal language is a subject that is still being studied in today’s society. There are many who ignore many of the meanings related to our way of moving, and often the interpretations that are drawn are erroneous. As we have been able to learn, it is possible to cross your arms in an attempt to establish a distance, or simply to warm up … In this case a hug could be useful, to be avoided in the first case.

It should also not be forgotten that every human being is unique and different from any other. It is evident that the execution of this gesture could take on important significance for some, while others may simply be looking for a comfortable position. For this reason, even when our intentions are to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, it is not certain that we will be able to have this effect.

That said, we urge you to delve further into the subject, so that you can improve the quality of your relationships.

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