How To Find Light In The Darkness

How to find the light in the darkness

We all have days when, however high the sun shines in the sky, there is only darkness and darkness within us. Even the most motivated or ambitious people can find it difficult to get what they want or to find the stimulus to achieve their goals. Sometimes, darkness can envelop the heart to such an extent that not even a ray of light can pass through.

When the heart is overshadowed, it is necessary to understand why there is no light in the darkness. It is necessary to find a way out of this existential crisis and self-motivate when apathy and the desire to do nothing attack your soul ferociously.

Why did the light disappear?

There can be darkness in the heart for many different reasons; it is up to you to find out which one corresponds to you, so that the problem does not become too complicated to solve, such as depression, for example. Here are some reasons that may explain the darkness in your heart:

  • You are afraid of the future, you feel cowardly and you don’t want to go on. The changes scare you a lot.
  • You feel tired and lacking the necessary strength to lead a healthy life.
  • You have no confidence in yourself and you don’t want to step out of your comfort zone.
  • You think you are inept because you don’t value yourself enough.
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Moreover, if you are people who want to do things, but who then always stop halfway through the work, the feeling of frustration you will experience will make you feel bad about yourself and will make you feel incapable. In reality, that’s not the case: you just need to put more effort into what you do and set things up so that the motivation doesn’t let you down. For example, if you want to exercise every morning, store the suit near the bed so that it is the first thing you see when you wake up.

Sticking to the example of physical exercise, you can also call a friend to plan to go to the gym together or you can go for a run with your partner … In short, any excuse is good to motivate you and reach your goals is always a good one. idea!

Allow the light to shine in the dark

When you see that the darkness is trying to take over you, dig inside and listen carefully to the sound your body makes. Maybe you need to rest or do some sport; giving your body what it asks of you will not only improve your health, but it will reward you by filling you with energy that you can use to carry out the activities you love least.

Think about your habits; have you rested properly lately? Did you eat healthily? Pay attention to how you treat your body, because taking care of it is essential for you to be better with yourself and with those around you.

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If, on the other hand, you are healing your body, but still struggle with negative thoughts, then think about why you have these ideas in your head that do not allow you to trust yourself. For example, it may be that someone has made a comment about you that hurt you or that you are comparing yourself to someone else. Maybe it’s time to think positive thoughts about yourself and do something that makes you feel good.

Perseverance is the key to success in all areas of life. Initially, it is easy to be motivated, because you are already thinking about the final result; after a while, you may need to apply your willpower to accomplish your task.

When you are halfway there, you may realize that you have already used up much of your time and energy, and that’s when the darkness peeks out. If so, think that in the beginning you always need more time and energy than you planned.

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Do you know what? You can do it, you just have to remember why you started and then you will. Keep walking and you will reach your goal, and the mere fact of having succeeded will fill you with satisfaction.

Remember: after the blizzard, calm always comes. If you notice that the darkness begins to darken your heart, you must open your eyes, listen to your soul and immediately find a solution for the light to make every particle of your being shine.

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