Manage Stress With A Mindfulness Sandwich

Manage stress with a mindfulness sandwich

Take a break. Calm the tension caused by your worries, slow down the mental highways where only the noise of anxiety passes through. Practice the “mindfulness sandwich” technique to manage stress: two slices of conscious breathing and a stuffing of body in action. The results will be almost immediate.

For those who have never heard of this simple strategy for managing stress and anxiety, you will be pleasantly surprised. It is easy to learn and develop, it only takes five minutes  and most importantly, by practicing it daily the brain gets used to it and the effect will be more and more positive.

In recent times, mindfulness has acquired a certain importance, especially as a resource for managing all those complex everyday universes in which worries, stress and anxiety orbit. It is possible that on some occasions we have asked ourselves “But will it really work?” or “Is it scientifically proven or is it just marketing?”.

There is one aspect that is best clarified right away: mindfulness is not a panacea or a meditation technique. Mindfulness is, first of all, a quality of the mind,  a skill that we all have, but that we don’t know how to use very well and which consists of focusing on the present moment. It is a megaphone that amplifies our attention to know what is happening around us and in ourselves.

Until recently, this philosophy of life was part of a series of traditional and religious principles. However, she is given a more scientific and clinical treatment. It is an evaluable, observable and possible skill to train. You could start with the “mindfulness sandwich” technique.

Woman meditates at the lake managing stress

What is the “mindfulness sandwich” technique to manage stress?

Full attention reminds us that the present moment is not always a resting place.  We know this well, because anxiety, stress, fears make us think in a different, automatic way. We let ourselves be carried away by those unconscious mental flows to create unsuitable models of behavior. Thus, almost without realizing it, we further intensify our suffering.

The “mindfulness sandwich” helps us manage stress in order to alleviate this situation. It creates a space between us and our sensations, composes a small corner of peace in which to regain control. By realizing what is happening in the present moment, we soon gain direct access to tools we didn’t know we had. Only then can we make more convenient decisions, make changes and invest day after day in our well-being.

Let’s see below what the “mindfulness sandwich” technique consists of.

Two slices and a delicious filling

Like any good self-respecting sandwich, this too is made up of two slices and a good filling. Except, in this case, the effects are not only bodily, but mental as well. This is a wonderful strategy for those moments of our working day when we feel we have reached the limit. It is also wonderful for relaxing when tensions or worries are blocking us.

First slice

  • The first slice consists of 10 cycles of conscious breathing. To do this, look at the tip of the nose and inhale for 4 seconds. You will have to notice the belly swell, in this way we also favor diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Hold the air for 5 seconds.
  • Exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.
  • Repeat this process 10 times, remaining fully aware of each step.

The stuffing

The filling is to your liking, but the key is always the same: move for 3 minutes. If you are in the office, you can stretch your back and arms or look out the window and come back. Do some neck and shoulder exercises to release tension, take a walk, dance, go up the stairs… whatever the environment you are in allows you to do.

Woman dances on a heart

Second slice

The last slice of this “mindfulness sandwich” ends again with the breathing cycles previously indicated. Inhale, hold the air and exhale consciously and relaxed ten more times.

The ideal is to do this technique to manage stress 3 times a day. It won’t steal more than 5 or 6 minutes and the results will be sensational. As your mind gets used to these intervals of physical calm where conscious breathing combines with activity, everything will change. The brain oxygenates and, most importantly, we will focus on the present moment. We cannot forget that attention is like a muscle: with training we can improve its functionality.

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