Letter To My Body

Letter to my body

Dear body,

We haven’t talked for a long time and I miss you. It’s weird to pick up on this conversation with you, like you’re an old friend I haven’t visited in a long time. It is as if you suddenly desire a contact with you and you are voraciously looking for it through these lines.

Life goes by so fast that I don’t have time to be consciously with you. I know that you are there, that I owe to you every movement and every thought and, nevertheless, sometimes I feel distant, as if my mind works by itself, as if there is no physical body to support it.

I don’t want to blame you, but actually I do, because we are one. It is I, and therefore you, who are guilty of turning a deaf ear when you scream my name frantically. It is we who do not stop until we reach the limit, and then we start looking at each other again.

Even if I am alienated at times, I feel you

Don’t think I can’t hear you, that those screams don’t reach my ears, because they don’t. I feel you perfectly, it’s just that sometimes I ignore you. Don’t blame me, I know you’ve often done the same to me. We both know the frustration of speaking and not being heard.

Your messages range from the subtle to the grotesque, catching my attention when I want to hear them. Even if you give me the rhythm, I have the last word and decide what the right time and place to be together is.

I know this is troubling you. I know you want more, and even if you try to fool me by telling me the opposite, I want it too. I crave the time when you and I will be alone, but in this relationship one of us has to mark the limits.

hands touching

There will be the right time and the right place for you

Don’t despair; even if sometimes we struggle to understand each other, we would be nothing without each other and only together can we reach the top. Do not abandon me along the way, for without me you would remain empty and without you I would be inert. It is difficult to give you an appointment, the agenda is full, but you, endowed with infinite patience, wait next to me for the hand of the clock, between one tick-tock and the next, to allow a space to make yours ring. voice.

Even if it seems tough, the time will come. We look for it as if we were looking for a needle in a haystack, but after an arduous search, we will find it. We will enjoy the moment, we will know it is the right one.

If you look at me, I look at you

When the time comes when we are finally alone, we begin to be ourselves. You take off your clothes and remain uncovered, while I take off the thoughts that perpetually cover my head. It’s just you and me. Naked and without screens that interrupt our communication. If you talk to me, I’ll answer you. If you look at me, I look at you. I finally feel you in all your splendor.

From the soft surface of your neck to the tickle in the stomach that disturbs a peaceful sea. Now I don’t want to miss any part of you, even the most insignificant corner seems worth exploring, as if it were the first time.

woman face

When we are together, we are great

You are to my life as the eruption is to the volcano. At first there is calm, everything seems calm. We have time to stop in every valley we find and enjoy together what our senses offer us.

The noises and the rise in temperature indicate that there is activity, that the volcano is alive and that the calm is only apparent. The heat and the increasingly pressing movement of the earth warn us of the impending explosion that will transform the rock into lava.

Because when we talk, we understand each other and this result is almost magical. Like the full image of a mind and a body, like the scene of an erupting volcano. When we are together, we are great and we manage to achieve what separately we could not do.

Dear body, the pleasure is all mine

Dear body, I cannot promise that I will write to you more often nor that I will stop ignoring you. We will continue to get lost among the various “I want, but I can’t” and “I can, but today I don’t want to”.

But the time will come when we will look at each other and listen again. Perhaps, after these words, it will happen very soon and we will be united again with the same awareness.

You don’t need to thank me for these few lines, the pleasure is all mine.

woman with flowers tattooed on her arm

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