Love Breaks Down Every Wall

Love breaks down every wall

Love is the most powerful feeling that the human being knows.  There is an emotion that far exceeds the power of hierarchy or the ability to convince people through the art of speech. It’s about love.

This powerful feeling was able to tear down the tallest walls man has ever erected around him, not necessarily the physical ones. The power of love is immense, it is capable of generating a profound and lasting change in man.

The wall of misunderstanding

The highest wall that human beings have ever erected is undoubtedly that of misunderstanding. Anyone is able to barricade themselves behind a soundproof wall made of doctrines, traditions, habits, laws and beliefs.

There is no worse deaf than those who do not want to hear, just as there is no worse blind than those who do not want to see.  No matter how many good and wise words you try to convey them, a person who lives clinging to an ancient custom or belief will rarely give in to reason, since in his head he denies the possibility of finding an agreement with it.

And this is where love comes in. Because even those who have built around themselves a high and impregnable wall based on clichés and prejudices, can find understanding, affection and flexibility in a sincere and noble feeling like love. Love is the strength that gives flexibility to the walls of misunderstanding.  

Love highlights our true selves

It is curious to see how often we get lost in the search for concepts that define who we are. We almost blindly pursue images that we believe represent us, often conceived by other people, without worrying about anything else.


We believe that basing the idea of ​​oneself around a series of coherent and high-sounding concepts is sufficient. And it is precisely by doing so that we raise a shield around us, protecting ourselves behind that apparent security conferred on us by the beliefs, habits and thoughts of others that we internalize.

This is a dangerous exercise, as it takes us away from the path of knowing ourselves.  By contenting ourselves with seeking safety and comfort in the ideas of others, we get nothing but a distant reflection of who we really are.

And immediately after, when we are caught by the emotional earthquakes that upset the foundations of our very existence, we are hardly ready to understand and assimilate them. In such a state of mind and with such a daunting landscape, we miss out on the great occasions of life due to the inability to understand our own heart.

Love breaks down the wall of false beliefs

The assimilated beliefs take us away from ourselves, rather bringing us closer to what others wish to see in us. And all this does not make us free or happy or full.

However, the arrival of true love, the one that makes us float at every step and fills our soul and heart with happiness, immediately devoid of any meaning and importance all that we had learned and internalized.

Suddenly, love appears like an earthquake that distorts every security, every fixed idea and every cliché. A voice rises from our heart that screams that there is nothing more important than the one who loves us and that, in turn, we love with all our strength.

And this is the moment when we realize that we can no longer go back, we will no longer be what we once were. Love has changed us. Love broke down all the walls we had raised to protect us, convinced that we were safe.

On the contrary, love does not need walls, protections or shields. It will be the happiness that invades every pore of our skin to make us feel the most complete and richest people in the universe, without the need to seek the opinions of others.

Learn to welcome love with open arms

However, if you are not ready to accept love, you will be seized by moments of insecurity that will lead you to fear and doubt. In that case, that wonderful feeling will gradually fade away, leading you back to those old beliefs of false security.


Only a great knowledge of yourself and a feeling of deep love for the person you have next to you, in which the most blind trust must be answered, will allow you to come out of that dark and deep well in which you sometimes feel immersed. Although it happens almost unwittingly.

Do not be afraid, therefore, to open your heart to love. Let it break down the walls that you have created around you over the years, altering your ability to experience true happiness, the one that is released when you allow true emotions to escape.

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