Every Past Person In My Life Is Part Of My Story

Every past person in my life is part of my story

Every moment shared with someone is part of my journey, of my story and, ultimately, of me. Everything that others bring to me builds me and shapes the pieces that make me be as I am now.

Every story I’ve been a part of has marked me, in one way or another. Some I always remember, others have passed into oblivion, but they have all contributed to making me the person I am now. Therefore, if I could change something from the past or make other decisions, I would not be the same, because everything that has happened to me has brought me here.

Everything will make me grow

That everything that passes in my life leaves its mark does not mean that it is always pleasant and positive.  Sometimes I will be lucky enough to walk close to someone who fills me, others, however, I will stumble upon a person I do not like to include in my path and from whom I will not always have the opportunity to get away.

In one way or another, everything that happens to me will contribute to my growth, be it positive experiences and magical encounters or negative vicissitudes and unpleasant encounters. Everything that happens will be important and will add its nuance to my story, even in a negative sense, otherwise I wouldn’t know what I don’t want in my life.  

It is very important how I will welcome each experience in my story,  what I do with what happens to me and how I integrate them with myself. Do I adapt and grow or, vice versa, do I freeze and let it sink in? What perspective do I give to things? The latter is a really good question. If I allow myself to be defined by any criticism, I will reduce myself to a shred; if I accumulate only the beautiful and positive things, I will live in a utopia. If I am able to find a balance between the two options, however, I will be able to discover my authenticity.

All this leads me to consciously think that they are a heap of stories, moments and people; I have the pieces and the opportunity to order them to create the best version of myself. For this, I will try to prioritize everything that makes me feel better and the rest, I will learn to use it to be stronger and to realize that it makes me unhappy and then, at a certain moment, if possible, to help others. to see it. 

All my experience is part of my history

Over time, moreover, I have been able to understand that when I know someone or find myself in a new situation, I discover a part of me that is totally unknown. The relationships I establish with others show me more who I am than what others are and the same happens to me in different and new situations. It is such an extraordinary and difficult thing to accept that it is scary at first!

Therefore, I do not regret anything. Neither of the decisions taken nor of those I left behind because everything I have experienced is part of my journey. And I have two options: live in the past and spend my time trying to solve the impossible or learn to integrate my mistakes as another chapter in my story and keep writing new ones; between the two, I choose the last one. I prefer to be who I am now (a composition of stories) and choose the color of the ink with which to write my journey.

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