Studying Without Getting Bored

It may seem impossible for some to study without getting bored. Yet there are tricks that will allow you to do it without too much effort
Studying without getting bored

There is always some subject that we are not interested in, but that we are forced to study. Having to learn something that you don’t like or that is very boring can become heavy and negatively affect the final results, such as a competition, an exam, a master’s degree. However, there are some tricks that allow you to study without getting bored.

When we study something we don’t like, it seems inevitable to be overwhelmed with boredom. Just to give an example, when in a text there are many names to remember, many dates that overlap, authors or theories that do not interest us, but that we are forced to learn. Boredom can lead us to procrastinate and postpone the study until the last moment, with an inevitable build-up of stress and anxiety. We suggest some strategies to avoid this and study without getting bored.

Tricks to study without getting bored

1. Use your curiosity

One way to study without getting bored is to awaken your curiosity. Being curious helps you learn with relative ease and is one of the worst enemies of boredom. If activated, something will be less likely to distract us.

Imagine that you have to study an author, but the textbook explains everything in a very linear and boring way. You can search for a video, take an interest in what happened in his life or, even better, search directly for his works. For sure you will find something that will catch your attention, that is not in the books and that will encourage you to learn more.

Tricks to study without getting bored

2. Study in company

While in many cases self study is almost essential, studying in a group is one of the best ways to not get bored. In fact, the study could even be more enriching. Following the example above, imagine that someone in your class is a fan of the author in question. You will learn a lot by studying together: your partner will be very well prepared on the subject and will pass on concepts and information to you with great passion and participation.

The presence of other companions, moreover, will be a stimulus to study better and more, since other elements will come into play such as healthy competition. In addition, you can motivate each other, feel the lessons learned and correct each other, greatly increasing the chances of passing the exam.

3. Move while studying

Moving is a good way to study without getting bored, it also allows you to better assimilate the concepts. You may have come across people walking while reading or repeating.

This particular trick will physically activate you, avoiding the drowsiness you might otherwise experience if you sit for a long time. A basic degree of physiological activation will remove the feeling of boredom, at the same time favoring the memorization of new concepts.

4. Plan small goals with rewards

Another way to combat boredom when studying is to set small learning goals. For example, if you are studying first degree equations, you can tell yourself that you will not get up from your chair until you have solved ten.

Once you have achieved this goal, you will reward yourself by getting up and spending time to “celebrate” this small milestone you have achieved. You could go for a run, take a little walk, or eat a piece of dark chocolate (which is healthier). Then, you will go back to studying happy and motivated to take on another small challenge, with the future reward in mind.

Girl studies with the PC

5. Be creative

The last tip for studying without getting bored concerns the use of creativity. This amazing resource will make the study session more fun. If you find it difficult to remember a notion, such as the vicissitudes of a complicated historical conflict, you can use cards to literally visualize the various events, organizing them and creating a kind of animation.

In some cases it may be interesting to compose a kind of nursery rhyme with names, dates and characters, in order to help the memory to review everything neatly before the interrogation. Underlining the textbook with different colors (one for dates, another for characters, and so on) can also be a great idea.

We are confident that putting into practice one or more of the ideas suggested here will help you achieve the goal. Studying something you don’t like can be difficult, but you can take steps to change your approach to the textbook. The important thing is to go ahead, store and make the information your own, with the aim of defeating boredom, the real enemy of many students.

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