5 Brilliant Phrases From Aristotle

5 brilliant phrases from Aristotle

Today we will know some ingenious phrases of Aristotle. He certainly was and still is one of the most important philosophers in the history of mankind. It is therefore worthwhile to enjoy small doses of his wisdom and his way of seeing the world.  

How did a civilization that would have brought to light some of the brightest minds in history 3,000 years ago? We are speaking, no doubt, of thinkers like Aristotle himself, but also of his masters and predecessors, Plato and Socrates. The evolution and involution of thought that occurred in the populations who lived on Earth are truly fascinating.

Aristotle, as we have said, was a pupil of great minds like those of Plato or Eudoxus. In turn, however, he was the teacher of other famous characters, such as the famous Alexander the Great. From his philosophy, therefore, phrases have arisen which, after more than 2000 years, have not lost their value for today’s society.

Ingenious phrases from Aristotle

The ignorant affirm, the wise doubt and reflect

Even today we hear many ignorant people believe that the one who shouts the loudest or shows the most confidence while speaking is the one who knows the most. However, while some surrender to the enjoyment of what they think they know, others doubt, reflect and analyze.

We might see this sentence as a kind of warning of the scientific method that was developed later. Do not state anything until you are fully aware of the truthfulness of what you say. For this reason, there are those who say that the ignorant speak with the mouth of those who really know.

I consider the one who conquers his desires more courageous than the one who conquers his enemies, since the hardest victory is the one against oneself

It is curious that, being a rather spiritual species, we humans tend to know so little about each other. Sometimes we seem to refuse to investigate our inner world for fear of what we may find there. We look at our reflection in the mirror, but we hardly take a few more minutes to overcome this veil.

We all have aspects that are difficult to accept. Doing so is what Aristotle calls victory over himself. A long and complex a priori task, but which becomes necessary if we wish to enjoy that feeling of well-being that balances our inner self with the image we reflect.

Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge to practice 

Let us again observe Aristotle uttering phrases that will later be known as the scientific method. We can know a lot, but if this has no empirical proof and practical application, is it any good?

Aristotle’s sentence thus collects many of the complaints of pupils in current schools. They wonder what the purpose of what they are studying is and rarely find a professor who gives them an answer, who explains to them how to descend from the abstract world of letters and numbers to the real world. Let’s not forget that a practical explanation can be one of the biggest motivations for learning.

Some believe that to be friends it is enough to love well, as if to be healthy it is enough to desire health 

Is it one of Aristotle’s most complex sentences? Really wanting a friendship isn’t enough to have it? Undoubtedly it is the fruit of the will of both parties. Even so, loving it should be the first step in forging it.

Sometimes the Greek sage referred to the fact that friendship needs to arise from the depths of our being, that is, almost on a spiritual level, or almost without it. After all, the Greek philosophers believed fervently in the souls of the human being, despite the fact that Aristotle was one of the most pragmatic philosophers of the ancient world.

There is happiness only where there is virtue and serious effort, because life is not a game

Without doubt this is one of Aristotle’s most significant phrases. Very little is achieved without effort. For the Greek philosophers, being virtuous was a serious and necessary issue. In fact, they believed that only the most virtuous and the most righteous could come to rule the people, for example.

This sentence, of course, is also very valid today. No matter how hard you try, you may not get what you wanted, but without commitment it is practically safe not to get it. A virtuous, polite, understanding and empathetic attitude, therefore, will lead to much more pleasant paths.

These brilliant phrases from Aristotle must certainly invite us to reflect. A unique opportunity to learn from a great genius and think about his words to try to improve as people, society and species.

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