We Don’t Have A Master, We Belong To Life

We don't have a master, we belong to life

None of us have a master, because we belong to life itself. You have to love freedom more than anything else, get rid of the chains, the snares, the possession. Do not allow others to imprison you and prevent you from continuing on the path to your dreams. You do not have a master, you are the only master of yourself, only you dominate your lives.  

You don’t want a boss or a person who controls you, you have learned to say no to what you don’t like, to what doesn’t make you happy,  and you have finally gained freedom; you want to take care of it, because it is a conquest of your life, of every aspect of your existence.

Love without losing freedom

Let the people you love free, let them be as they want to be and allow you to develop your personality,  just as you want, because we all belong to life. Many times we have heard phrases such as: “I can not live without you”, “Without you I am nothing”, “If you abandon me, I die”. These are phrases that may sound very romantic, but if we think with a cool head about what they really convey, it is a love that is not healthy.

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Exactly as the psychologist Walter Riso says, it is much nicer to say “I don’t need you, but I choose to be with you”, “I can share my life with you, but not out of necessity, out of free choice” or something that includes the one just said: “I love you, but I don’t need you”. Needing is not good, because it relates to the submission of one person to another, and so is love and freedom.

Be the masters of your will, learn to say no

How many times have you said “yes” but meant “no”? The time has come not to be afraid to say “no”. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s healthy. We fear the reactions of others or the consequences of our negative responses, but have you ever stopped to think about what happened every time you said no? Definitely nothing bad.

You can say “no” by accompanying the negative answer to a better alternative. Use your skills to be assertive and you won’t be hard on your denials. However, stay firm on your decision. Ask yourself how you would feel doing something that doesn’t make you happy.

Be true to your dreams, to your life

Sometimes to realize your dreams you have to overcome obstacles that prevent you from moving forward. One way to do this is to stop behaving as usual, because in this way you will radically change your way of acting, your parameters, and you will run the risk of seeing things in a different perspective.

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The life you want to live is the one you imagine, not the one that others have thought of for you. Some people like the idea of ​​having a partner for life, others like to enjoy each person and share moments without definitive bonds.

There are people who are attracted to a steady job and others who prefer to have the freedom to choose what they want to do at any time. All options are valid and respectable, as long as they are your choice.  

Be faithful to what you want, to what you dream, to what you are passionate about, because when you do something that really satisfies and excites you, no one will be able to stop you, everyone will feel your enthusiasm and you will be the masters of your life. Follow your instincts, your intuition and your heart, let yourself be carried away and follow their advice.  

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