Relaxation Techniques To Deal With Breast Cancer

Relaxation techniques for dealing with breast cancer

The therapeutic process that women with breast cancer have to go through is very long and psychological support is essential from the very beginning. In this sense, psycho-education is important, that is, providing patients with information on the disease and on techniques to improve their physical and mental conditions. In other words, help them improve their well-being in all respects.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer, accounting for 29%. In Italy, 48,000 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in 2016. However, it is important to add that the mortality rate associated with it has decreased in recent years.

In this regard, today we want to talk about the importance of relaxation techniques for women with breast cancer. The goal is to include these techniques in the therapeutic program, so that patients learn to control their level of activation by changing different physiological conditions.

What are the effects of relaxation techniques on a physiological and mental level?

It should be known that relaxation techniques tend to favor the activation of the parasympathetic system and to reduce that of the sympathetic nervous system. In this sense, relaxation is considered a state of hypo-activation, characterized by a low heart rate, vasodilation, diaphragmatic breathing, low muscle tone.

Woman with breast cancer at the beach

In addition to reducing physiological activation, relaxation techniques have other cognitive effects. We refer to the increase in the subjective sensation of relaxation, the focus and redirection of attention, greater self-control and an increase in the ability to discriminate physiological responses.

The mental part

According to Aaron Beck on the cognitive aspect, our mind leads us to believe certain things, to make mistakes or to distort our thinking, therefore, for those who are struggling with cancer, this situation becomes even more difficult.

The cognitive aspect is fundamental in the treatment of cancer, in fact the thoughts of patients tend to favor positive conditions or, vice versa, accentuate a negative vision of the disease. Positive thoughts strengthen self-esteem, the will to fight, motivation and confidence in the treatment.

When are relaxation techniques used?

Relaxation techniques help cancer patients avoid nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and certain types of radiation therapy (associated with certain stimuli that generate discomfort). In some way, an attempt is made to counteract the effects of these common treatments in patients who have already undergone several sessions.

Relaxation also improves the emotional state with which the patient faces the various tests and their results. It also improves self-control and limits impulsive behaviors that are often a consequence of the frustration generated by the disease.

What technique can be used to deal with breast cancer?

The relaxation technique to be adopted depends on several variables, such as the knowledge of the technique itself, the area in which anxiety becomes more present or the time available. Below we will analyze two of the most important techniques that can be put into practice with patients with breast cancer.

  • Progressive muscle relaxation (Jacobson) : the goal of this technique is for the patient to be able to identify the level of tension and use the appropriate strategies as often as needed.

The identification of tension requires several exercises that include the contraction / relaxation, voluntarily and intensely, of different muscle areas of the body. As the patient progresses with the exercises, the repetitions are reduced until the total suppression of the contraction / relaxation exercises.

  • Guided visualization : it  consists in retracing different images with the memory to look for sensations, situations and / or places that are pleasant for the patient. By recalling the different sensory stimuli of these situations or places, the person is able to relax.
Friend with breast cancer

Each day has its own goal

The patient must look in fear and anxiety that her body manifests a state of relaxation to fight and face the most  difficult phases of the disease, such as a chemotherapy session, another radiotherapy session, an oncological examination, waiting exam results,

Anyone who has experienced the reality of cancer knows that the suffering that comes with it can hardly be measured. When you hear people say “You have cancer” you feel an infinity of conflicting feelings, fear, anxiety, worry …

It is good to remember one thing: every day has its goal, step by step, step by step, difficulties are faced and overcome. In this sense, it is inevitable to think about the future, what will happen after the therapy, it is normal to be afraid that it will not be effective, that it will never end or that it is not enough to defeat cancer. And it is precisely against this anxiety, these thoughts and these negative emotions that relaxation techniques are useful.

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