3 Ways To Harness The Power Of Your Mind

3 ways to harness the power of your mind

Thanks to psychology, medicine and neuroscience, we now know much more about the human mind. Numerous studies have revealed to us the amount of energy contained in our minds, which have incredible power.

In this article we will show you some discoveries and the most surprising exercises that our mind can do.

Strengthen muscles and increase metabolism

In a study carried out in 2004, a group of people were played an audio that guided their minds, making them imagine that they were exercising. Another group, on the other hand, listened to a lecture that had nothing to do with this topic. After listening, the study of the muscle mass of the two groups revealed significant differences: as if the people who had imagined exercising had actually done some of it.

Scientists believe that the mental process of imagining an exercise session releases the same hormones that are released during actual physical activity, which are tasked with strengthening the muscle.

Turn your weakness into strength

A fascinating study carried out in Wesnousky, in the United States, revealed that when a person believes there is a bright side to their flaw or weakness, they begin to show it.

For example, a very impulsive group of people was pointed out that this trait gives them the advantage of being able to be more creative. The tests carried out on this group of people after this statement gave more creative results than those made before.

Improve your performance with your imagination

Several studies have shown that those who often imagine themselves doing a complicated job, with a very realistic level of detail, improve their performance.

In many jobs, in fact, we have to carry out complicated actions that put us under pressure: those who manage to use the power of the imagination to perfect their skills, find themselves at an advantage when the time comes to really finish those jobs. Imagining that we have to carry out even more dangerous or difficult activities makes it easier to carry out everyday ones, allowing us to relax without losing focus.


3 ways to harness the power of our mind to change our life

Master Your Power to Change : Many people use their power against themselves. If you believe you cannot change, your mind will be convinced. It is essential to change that false idea that is in your mind. Take note of your power, be the masters of your mind.

Decide how you want to change and imagine it : for example, if you want to be more outgoing, imagine yourself talking and laughing with a group of colleagues at work or socializing at a party. Do this often and combine this mental practice with real practice in everyday situations. You will see that the improvements will come quickly.

Believe in yourself : there are hundreds of very good people in the world who feel incapable or invisible. Others feel unworthy of being loved, anxious, angry, or desperate. If any of these words describe you, you can start using the power of your mind. Imagine yourself in vivid colors, full of confidence and strength. Imagine yourself as the owner of the person you want to be.

Make conscious decisions: desire them, create them, imagine them.

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