The Sun Always Shines Again After The Storm

The sun always shines again after the storm

However dull and cliché it may sound, the sun always shines again on a blue sky, beautiful and radiant. It doesn’t matter how severe the storm was, the amount of lightning that fell on the earth or the amount of water that rained. When it ends, the light always returns to illuminate the darkness.

Just as we say that the sun always shines after a storm, we can also talk about the metaphor of light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t worry if, at this moment, your life seems to be flooded with darkness and you see nothing but darkness everywhere. You must never despair and you must never stop. Look ahead, do not let yourself fall and do not slow down your sure step, because eventually, if you keep a good pace, the path will light up again.

Sun clouds

The storm sun

The storm sun also offers one of the most incredible lights in existence. When the darkness, the rain and the darkness that made the clouds fall from the sky go away, the earth smells of humidity, the heat tingles on the shoulders and we look happily towards the horizon, because we have survived the bad weather and now we can enjoy a beautiful day.

There is no storm that lasts a hundred years. Whenever we face and survive a storm, we come out stronger, calm and brave. We faced the eye of the storm and defeated it, coming out more tenacious, wiser and more prepared.

You must never fear the storm, because you must know that, after bad weather, the sun always comes to light your way. That wonderful moment of light and calm that is even more beautiful to enjoy, after having overcome a difficult period.

Fear of the storm

There are many who live in constant fear of the storm. They think that, in their life, they will see nothing but rain, bad weather, lightning, thunder and darkness. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Nature is wise and knows how to give us a little of everything, in the right measure.

The human being is another of the children of nature, of this mother earth that has seen us born, grow and learn. Why should we be different? Why should we allow the storm to be the undisputed star of our life? Why should we suffer in an eternal rain of misery and pain?

Ship sailing

If nature itself is able to find a balance between rain and sun, we, as its fruit, have no reason to be different. We only need the tools necessary to survive the storm and take advantage of the bad time to come out happier, wiser and stronger, and to know how to enjoy the beautiful sun that comes after bad weather.

Tools to weather the storm

Have you ever thought about the tools you need to survive a storm? In fact, it’s not that hard to find them. Despite this, there are too many occasions in which we decide to complicate our life and, thus, it is impossible to overcome the rain without getting wet.

An umbrella is indispensable in a storm. Even if, at times, the storm can be too powerful, the umbrella will still protect us from the incessant falling water that tries to wet every pore of our skin.

The best option for weathering a storm is a roof under which to find shelter. Remember that the stronger the foundations of your home, the less chance you will have of seeing it collapse in the face of the storm’s fury. Avoid moisture, leaks and poor manufacturing.

An iron will is also vital when facing the maw of the storm. An enormous desire to live, to overcome it and not to allow the water to wash away and drag away more than you yourself want and need to make it disappear.

Think about who, in life, is your umbrella, who is part of your home, where is your will to weather the storm and see again the sun warming the damp earth after the thunder and lightning. Now, go and hug them to always be there, there by your side, because they protect you in bad times, so that you can live the good ones and enjoy the light.

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