How To Overcome The Fear Of Rejection

How to overcome the fear of rejection

People are afraid of losing their life, their health, their social status, their money, their loved ones, their youth… And why not, even the approval of others . In fact, most people feel the need to find their own place among others.

Do not seek safety in other people, because it is a dead end path; seek that security within yourself, not in others, because other people’s looks, words or actions can be easily deformed and misinterpreted as rejection, even when in reality they are not.

How to manage the fear of rejection

1 – Pay attention to what is happening around you

Look inside yourself and reflect on how much a possible refusal can affect your behavior, and the latter on your actions; in other words, if you think you will be rejected, it will probably actually happen. You can’t adapt your actions until you really understand what’s going on; try to pick up signals not only of what is wrong, but also of what is working.

2- Think about how you want to feel

The person who feels rejected cannot think of anything else, of the fact that he would not want to feel this way, he continues to wonder why he was rejected. It is a wrong attitude, a problem that must be solved as soon as possible; don’t think about the fact that you don’t want to be rejected, instead focus on finding a state of relaxation where you feel confident.

free from rejection

3- Think about how the fear of rejection started 

Certainly during your school years you will have felt rejected. Close your eyes and think about everything you have learned since then, remembering how calm that child was and free from the fear of rejection, and how your adult self can learn from that child to master the situation, repeating to himself that everything will be fine. Although it may seem strange, thinking about how you felt as a child has a huge impact that can help you get through these moments.

4- First of all, constructive imagination

Close your eyes and use your imagination to feel and act differently  in situations in which you would normally feel insecure. Hypnosis can act directly on the way you feel when you experience certain situations, changing your cognitive processes when you are emotionally altered.

5- Don’t take anything for granted 

People who never question their opinions make life difficult. Don’t be too sure what will happen or what you know; in this way, you can relax and take into consideration the possibility of obtaining good or bad results, without necessarily having to suffer rejection . Not knowing is the key to trusting and enjoying life.

Image courtesy of Fabricio Contreras

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