The Importance Of Living In The Present

The importance of living in the present

Living in the present moment is something that we are all aware of, but that very few do because of the rush, work, stress and many other factors that make every day the same.

Only when we are sick or in hostile situations, we are aware of the here and now, of our present that we often ignore without realizing it.

However, sacrificing our present to think about the future does not allow us to enjoy the “here and now”. This “here and now” that contains the meaning of life, all the positive things, all our happiness.

Don’t put off what you can do today until tomorrow

One of the best known proverbs and one that perhaps you have sometimes put into practice. But how long did it last? For sure only a day or two.

Haste, stress, the awareness of always thinking about the future prevent us from looking at the present and seeing what we have achieved so far. We fail to enjoy our successes, forcing ourselves to always look ahead of us.

Living-in-the-present 2

It is certain that the present lasts only an instant. A minute that has already passed can be considered past and the minute we are heading towards is our future.

Time is ephemeral and savoring it is difficult. The curious thing is that we give more importance to our past and our future than to our present. That present that passes so quickly before our eyes that we don’t even realize it.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to think about our past or future. The past helps us learn and move forward, while the future helps us achieve our goals, motivate us and make us dream what we want. But where is the present in all this?

Value the present, as well as the past and the future

Running away from the present is something we do unconsciously. So they taught us and for this we ignore it without realizing it. But why do we do it?

Not living our present makes us idealize the future we always think about, that future towards which we are heading, but which we see as something far away.

As we have already anticipated, the future is that minute, that hour that is about to arrive. Thinking of the future as something distant and idealized is an escape from a present in which we do not feel at ease.

Why do we think that what’s to come will always be better? Because everyone thinks it, but is it true?

You worry about idealizing the future and when it comes, you are disappointed. “Is that all?”, You think. The future will be a disappointing dream that will not satisfy you.


Because after reaching the goal, you will continue to think about tomorrow and so on. You will always try to look further when you should be paying attention to the steps you are taking, how you are walking.

What tips should you follow to be able to focus on the present and not tomorrow?

  • If you want to do something, do it now. Whether it’s a trip, a change of job, a change in your life. Don’t think that tomorrow will be better than today. If you are sure of something, don’t think about it too much and do it!
  • Don’t think about what might happen, enjoy what you have now. What has to happen will happen.
  • Be realistic in the present and don’t idealize the future. If you want a future to come true, then you must do it now.
  • The right time is and always will be now !

Would you add any other tips? You have to think that the point of it all is that if you want something, you have to realize it now. Don’t think about what you could have done or whether you can do it another day. The present is what matters, don’t let life pass by without any sense in front of your eyes.

The secret to a life full of the meaning you want to give it is to act now. Do not dream if you have already thought about letting life pass. Action is what matters, the here and now is what you should be thinking about.

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