Mood Swings: How To Keep Them Under Control

Mood swings: how to keep them under control

Being able to control mood swings can be a sign of intelligence and also of a good quality of life. It is not uncommon that a day when everything seems to be going well, suddenly a situation or a thought changes things. There is a solution?

The father of individual psychology, Albert Adler, said that “we must interpret bad mood as a sign of inferiority”. This means that being able to control these mood swings, especially in the negative sense, is vital for our well-being.

What are mood swings?

We can interpret mood swings as alterations in the mood. In other words, a sort of emotional hustle and bustle that occurs suddenly and leads us to experience very different emotions in a short time.

Boy showing mixed emotions

These mood swings range from a state of contentment and satisfaction to anguish and nervousness, or vice versa. In any case, if they become habitual, they can cause emotional instability, which could compromise the social, personal and working dimensions of the individual himself.

These changes depend on several factors, such as hormonal imbalances during menopause or the menstrual cycle. However, this is not a condition that only affects women. There are other triggers, such as adolescence, personality or eating disorders, etc.

Tips to keep mood swings under control

Now that you know what mood swings are, we invite you to find out how to keep them under control. It is not always an easy undertaking, especially if they depend on psychological disorders, but in most cases proper management involves a significant improvement in a person’s personal, emotional, work and even social well-being.

Establish a routine

What makes you feel good? What relaxes you? Find out what things make you feel better and create your own routine. For example music, a walk, a chat with friends… Identify the activities that calm you down and try to always dedicate some of your time to them.

Step away

Sometimes we are aware that a situation is altering our mood, but we are unable to walk away from it. However, it is important to do so because distance is a fundamental element of control. In some cases, it is the breath of fresh air that causes certain emotions to dissipate


When the time comes, you will be able to walk away before the situations in question arise. You will be able to anticipate your emotional reaction. Think, for example, of a discussion that you know will lead you nowhere: is it always necessary to face it?

Think and then speak

An Arab proverb says: “

speak only when you are sure that what you are going to say is more beautiful than silence

“. It does not mean that you can never or almost never speak, but that it is best to always think before saying a sentence or a word. It is also a good habit to endow one’s speeches with content and meaning.

For this reason, it is smart to think, analyze, carefully select words and tone and then let them flow from your lips or fingers, in case you write them.

Boy by the lake

The importance of a good rest session

Fatigue usually anticipates bad mood and mood swings. Sometimes, when we are saturated, both mentally and physically, our mood plummets and causes emotional instability.

It is not always possible to rest, but you have to look for a break, a little relaxation to renew your ideas, to ward off negative emotions and find a distraction from what caused the mood swings.

Physical activity

Physical activity increases dopamine levels in the blood. This neurotransmitter is able to improve our mood. Doing 30 minutes of sport every day is of great help to regulate emotions and to tilt the emotional balance in the positive.

Devote yourself to writing

Many great writers claim that their work relaxes them. Writing down your feelings is a really good idea, as well as a therapy recommended by experts. It is an outlet that will allow you to analyze the reasons that trigger your mood swings and that will help you prevent them in the future.

Hand writing

Reflect, why do mood swings happen?

Sometimes, it is always the same stimuli that make us feel bad. Maybe it’s the time of year, the personal situation we find ourselves in or even the presence of certain people. A good analysis will allow you to identify the sources of your discomfort and improve your skills in managing them.

If you still can’t control your mood swings, you may want to go to a specialist. The underlying problem could be much more serious and should be treated properly.

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