Loyal People: Be Faithful To Principles

Loyalty cannot be enforced, it is an act of freedom in which a person chooses who or what to offer commitment, respect and interest to. Ultimately, no one can show a firm respect for others if he does not first do it with himself.
Loyal People: Be true to principles

Loyal people are, first of all, honest. They leverage a code that is always in tune with their values, but also with that respectful commitment to the other, in which there is no room for betrayal, lies or actions with ulterior motives. We are faced with an interesting and profound concept, which even goes far beyond trust.

If you are wondering what may be behind loyalty, anthropology gives us an interesting answer. This dimension would seem to have acted, in the past, as a survival mechanism. In that ancestral age so diverse and full of dangers, receiving the help and support of group members was essential for survival.

Today the context has changed. However, somehow, we continue to need that closeness and security from the people we care about to feel good. It means giving the other our attention, respect and constant commitment, thanks to which we know that we will not be betrayed. Thanks to which to understand that in this behavior there are no hidden interests or double ends.

There are those who argue that loyalty today is almost an ideal, an endangered asset. Far beyond what we can imagine, this dimension continues to be present in the hearts of many people. However, we must be clear about what it means to be loyal, because sometimes it is possible to get trapped in certain dynamics in which this principle is distorted. Let’s see, below, some concrete examples.

Girl with blue hair

Loyal people, what are they like?

Seneca said that loyalty starts from trust, but as we have already pointed out, this concept has its roots in something deeper, more complex and, at the same time, intriguing. First, loyal people are first and foremost respectful of their principles. This is where the true core of loyal behavior starts: always acting guided by certain values, remaining faithful to what a person considers correct.

Loyalty: Committing to doing the right thing

Loyalty comes from the term “legal”. There is therefore a component of righteousness and commitment to doing what is right in all circumstances. What does this mean, translated into the relational context? It implies, for example, that while ending a romantic relationship or friendship with someone, respect will always exist. We will not reveal intimate aspects, nor will we elaborate criticisms, much less behave in a way that damages it in any way.

Beyond trust, there is loyalty. Even when the former is lost and there is no longer any connection with a person, a profound feeling of respect persists, a virtue that is undoubtedly noble as well as desirable.

Loyal people cannot be forcibly so, they act in the name of their own principles

Let’s face it, if there is something that is required of us in many contexts, it is loyalty. It is required at work, a context in which one is asked to be faithful to a company policy. Our family also asks us for it, which often expects us to pursue the same values ​​and certain habits, to perform certain rituals …

This is undoubtedly the darker side of loyalty, the one in which you try to impose certain commitments by force, giving rise to linear behavior and undermining self-esteem. So we need to be clear about one thing: loyal people don’t act by imposition. They are not loyal to the couple, to family, to friends, because others impose it.

They act in freedom, according to their own internal rules, and according to a harmony between what they feel and what they do.

There is no submission or adaptation: true loyalty is an exercise in moral courage, in which one chooses to be consistent with one’s principles at all times.

This means, therefore, that they will not be loyal to everyone, not if certain people try to impose on them attitudes that go against their beliefs.

Group of friends having fun among loyal people

The loyal person is sincere, not compliant, and helps us to grow

Loyal people are not those who abuse compliance. They are not the ones who say yes to everything, the ones who never oppose, who support us in everything we do, in every decision and behavior, however questionable it may be. Loyalty means sincerity, but it also means making use of an active commitment to our well-being.

This means that if at some point it should be necessary for someone to stop us, to warn us of a danger or to help us open our eyes to a reality that we do not see, this someone will have to do it. And this is because he acts according to solid values, not driven by servility or passivity. In this sense, those who want the best for us will never hesitate to be that support capable of revealing truths that hurt us, of indicating our mistakes, but also our margins for growth.

Finally, as we have seen, the concept of loyalty has its nuances. Nobody can dictate what or to whom to be faithful. This concept is not external, it originates from our inner world and is in harmony with a code of values ​​based on respect and integrity that a person has built over the course of his life. Furthermore, loyal people do not stop at the word, because loyalty is exercised, applied every day, in any circumstance and situation. Let’s think about it.

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