Film Therapy: The Benefits Of The Dream Factory

Film therapy: the benefits of the dream factory

“Cinema must bring about quiet” said Azorín, a famous Spanish novelist. We don’t know if psychologists Hodgson and Burque, forerunners of film therapy, took his words into account, but there is no question that their thoughts are somehow in tune.

It is evident that cinema causes all kinds of emotions in us. It can make us laugh, cry, grieve, and even find the strength we need to solve problems. Why not exploit its full potential and create a therapy?

What is film therapy?

The psychologists promoting psychotherapy, with the collaboration of countless coaches, colleagues and film experts, have developed a therapy based on TV series and films to be applied to coaching and psychology. How did they call it? Film therapy, of course.


This curation method is not limited to the mere action of watching a movie, but instead takes into consideration many other tools such as quotes, comments, posters, analysis of various visual works and so on.

Hodgson and Burque have directed film therapy in the wake of coaching and positive psychology in order to improve the skills and abilities of those who want to discover a new aspect of the film factory of dreams, of cinema.

Cinema as a psychological tool

There are various reasons why film therapy uses cinema as a psychological tool. The enormous therapeutic potential of films is linked to:

  • The intensity.

    Stories, characters and scenes are condensed in a short time.

  • Duration.

    The duration of a film is equivalent to a long therapy session.

  • Learning.

    Films have an allegorical meaning similar to that of stories and fairy tales. Their cognitive effect can be exploited to formulate theories of learning or creativity, and to promote multiple intelligences.

  • Identification.

    It often happens to be represented by characters from the cinema. This phenomenon can be reused during a therapeutic session.

  • Attention.

    The visual impact favors the concentration on the images.

  • The social element.

    Sharing your thoughts and talking about a film increases its value and can work within a therapy.

Benefits of film therapy

The creators of film therapy claim that such techniques offer concrete benefits for patients undergoing this particular therapy. Let’s find out some of them:

  • A good movie session can breathe new life

    . It can be used to disconnect, relax and spend a moment of tranquility.

  • Film therapy uses whole scenes or movies for
    fight fears and fears

    , facing them directly in order to be able to extinguish them.

  • Problem analysis

    . Thanks to the process of identification and empathy, many films allow us to take note of a series of problems that mirror our life.

  • Cinema performs a cathartic function

    . Through a film, one can experience passions without being subjected to their real effects.

  • It has a relaxing function

    . Since watching a movie draws attention back to an activity, it is excellent for reducing anxiety.

  • It is a motivational engine

    . By watching movies, you can get to know characters who help us bring out the energy in our real life.

  • Great fun

    . Cinema is also synonymous with laughter and joy. There is no doubt that it has tremendous power over both mental and physical health.

  • It’s a relief valve

    . The sad and touching cinema allows our emotions to emerge from the depths of ourselves, sometimes letting out some restorative tears.

  • Stimulus to change negative behaviors

    . Cinema offers us new perspectives that help us reflect to change our attitudes.

  • Expanded creative development

    . Without a doubt, observing a situation from different points of view allows us to broaden our mental vision, becoming more creative, flexible and innovative.

  • Improvement of personal relationships

    . Seeing and commenting on a film with friends and family takes on enormous emotional and social value.

  • It is a reflective art

    . A film makes us reflect on existential, vital, spiritual and even real issues.

  • Help deal with losses

    . The wounds of loving rejection or loss can be eased by watching a movie.

  • Cinema elevates, moves, inspires and amazes

    . Thanks to the Seventh Art we can become better people.

  • It increases our strength

    . Thanks to the quality of the characters in the films, cinema allows us to acquire unexpected strengths.

Cinema is much more than just an art. Film therapy has elevated the role of films by adding them to the list of the most useful psychological tools. There is no doubt that it can make us happier and fuller, if you know how.

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