Even Those Who Are Always There Need Attention!

Even those who are always there need attention!

There are people who look like our guardian angels, because they are always there by our side ready to give us affection and attention. These figures make our life easier, not only because they bring wonderful things into our life, but because they protect us from what could make us suffer.

They offer us their affection and their love with the aim of making us feel appreciated, protected and supported when life gets complicated or when we go through a dark period and when we are very disappointed. They are always there, at all times, and are always able to tell us the right word at the right time or to help us with a gesture that is worth a thousand words.

Furthermore, the people who are there always and for everyone are often the ones who never disappoint and who will do everything possible to avoid many tears. But what happens when they are overwhelmed by everyday life? Let’s not forget that they too need attention, and they shouldn’t have to ask for it.

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The importance of attention to those who take care of us

Receiving affection and attention in return from the people we care for should be seen as a kind of reward. It is of the utmost importance to be grateful to those who help us move forward.

It may be our parents or grandparents, our siblings, friends, partners, etc. Even a work colleague who always gives the best of himself as well as helping us in our work, making the working day lighter and making us go home with a smile.

Very often we think that these acts of kindness are mandatory and we do not value the fact that the positive attitude of these people is a free choice, which deserves recognition.

These people sow goodness, support and affection through their attentions without asking for anything in return or demanding recognition. For this reason, we should at least always be by their side and reciprocate their care when they need it.

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Ways to show attention, affection and interest

Even if very often we do not pay attention to the way we place ourselves and the frequency with which we show affection and interest towards those around us and who love us, in reality we would have many ways to do it.

Like? Thanks to the small details. There is no need for an expensive gift to make someone we appreciate and want to say thank you to feel special because they always take care of us. Here are some key points:

  • Don’t require him to do anything for you, not even to pay attention to you all the time. If he does it, it is because he wants to, not because he is obliged. Be careful never to demand, either directly or indirectly, that he do anything for you.
  • Get into the habit of having small daily attentions towards that person you appreciate so much : a phone call to find out how he is, listening attentively, a chat about his experiences and feelings are the secret to keeping the balance in balance.
  • Be understanding. It may be that sometimes he is not in the mood to listen to you or does not give you the attention you are used to. This does not mean that you are not important, but that at that moment that person has other thoughts on their mind.
  • Show your affection according to the circumstances and recognize the commitment of that person who is always there and for everyone. She too deserves to know that she has someone to rely on when she needs it.
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Being attentive is very different from being complacent

One must be very careful in distinguishing between being an attentive person and an overly complacent person. Being attentive and caring for others is not opposed to the principle of personal freedom and self-determination.

Conversely, living to please others often results in a loss of our identity and our freedom to do, be and want what we want, when we want. This behavior can be a source of frustration, because it is impossible to please and please everyone in life.

For this reason, it is very important to work on our self-esteem and on identifying our desires, thoughts and actions. To do this, we must always keep in mind the underlying pillar of our personal well-being: before we take care of (or care about) the well-being of others, we must take care of our own.

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