I Deserve Someone To Love Me

I deserve someone who loves me

“People believe that a soul mate is the person you match perfectly with, the most you could wish for in this world. But a true soulmate is a mirror, it is the person who brings out everything you have repressed, who makes you look inside yourself to allow you to change your life. Without a doubt, a true soul mate is the most important person you will know in life, because it breaks through all your walls of insecurity and shows you new possibilities. And live with a soul mate forever? We don’t talk about it, we live too badly. A soul mate comes into your life to remove the veil from your eyes and leaves ”.

Elizabeth Gilbert

I deserve someone who loves me, not someone who tells me he loves me.

I don’t deserve to be abandoned or ignored. I demand someone who hugs me every day, who gives me warmth, who tells me his things and who fantasizes with me.

I don’t ask anyone to be perfect, I myself am full of flaws. I want to accept those flaws, see them in another way, improve them and, if necessary, change them.

I want someone who loves himself, who feels neither ugly, nor foolish, nor incompetent. It is very important to me that this person is convinced that he can triumph in life and that he can fight, that he recognizes his strength.

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I don’t want the most beautiful person in the world, I want the person who makes my world the most beautiful place

I want to have with me a person with whom every day will be a new beginning, a person that I can look in the mirror and smile, a person who has no complexes, who loves me and loves himself.

I expect one of those relationships full of details, romance and sweetness. I want the world to cease to exist when we settle into our bubble, while we feel the breeze of an imaginary sea on our skin, without fear of being carried away by the waves.

I deserve movie love

“In life, everything is love. If anyone loves, he is alive; if it creates love, beautiful things must necessarily come ”.

Ray Bradbury

I deserve a lifelong love affair; if it has to change, let it change, but always remain by my side, because I know I’m worth it. I can’t help it: I want one of those eternal loves in which the bond never breaks and remains united even after death.

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I would like people to look at us and think “How much they love each other! I wish I could live such a love! ” . In reality, I would like my love and I to serve as an example and for everyone in this world to find their ideal life partner.

I don’t want to hear “I love you”, I want them to show me

“The way you give is worth more than the things you give”.

Pierre Corneille

I want someone who does not neglect me, who listens to me at any time of the day and who never stops thinking about me. Above all, I don’t want there to be one person my partner pays more attention to than our relationship.

I want someone who thinks of me as much as he thinks of himself and who looks for a different way every day to make me happy, who knows me deeply, who knows what I like and what I don’t, who is enchanted when I speak, who loves my gestures , my quirks and my flaws.

I need him to know how to talk to me, to say “No” to me even if it hurts, to help me remove what is harmful to me, to help me cultivate my self-esteem, to close my emotional wounds and to stimulate my affirmation of my identity.

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Today I woke up with an immense desire to face reality

“Happiness must be shared, he has a soul mate”.

Lord Byron

I’ve been worried about you and I’ve been looking for you, but time passes and you don’t appear. I don’t want someone who disappears and, when there is, doesn’t last more than a flash. Of course, I don’t deserve someone to play hide and seek with me or leave, I want you to always stay inside me.

Now, stop looking for excuses and understand that this person you so much want to meet is you… Don’t you deserve to love yourself? The love you deserve is what you can give yourself.

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