7 Ideas For Dealing With Adversity

7 ideas for dealing with adversity

As you have surely heard, ” life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain “. We all have to go through difficult times but, to deal with them in the best possible way, the best thing is to accept the situation and try to move forward.

Thinking constantly about adversity can become a disastrous weapon in our hands, as it could put us in a vicious circle in which our thoughts focus only on the problem and leave no room for more positive things, which are then those that help us to improve our emotional state.

There is only one positive way of looking at a negative situation, which could help us improve our emotions about it: it is to look at adversity from a constructive perspective, one that focuses on finding solutions and in hope. In this article we offer you 7 ideas to make difficult times more bearable, and above all to learn to move forward even if you are going through a complicated period.

1. Find an escape route and work hard to get your life where you want it. The present may have been invaded by a negative situation, but you can always do something to improve the future. Devise a plan that will get you out of adversity: even if it is not reachable in the short term, taking a path that takes you where you want will help you to better endure the bad period you are going through.

Remember Albert Einstein’s famous quote: “Madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Very often, small tricks applied constantly can be life-changing in the long term. The important thing is to have clear in mind where we want to go and start walking towards that point. Even if adversity prevents us from doing it at the speed we would like, the important thing is to take that path.

2. Remember that that adverse situation is only temporary and keep moving forward, despite the malaise you are feeling right now. Everything in life has an end, and this also applies to negative situations: I usually end thanks to acceptance and action.

3. Imagine the moment when you finally say goodbye to that problem , and you will see that it is worth making some sacrifices to succeed. Think about the situation you would like to be in, how happy your life would be without problems, and in this way you will get the right motivation. Adversity shouldn’t discourage you, but keep you going!

4. Never give up on your free time. Even if things go wrong for us, we must always be able to carve out some time, even a minimum, to do something we like. They can be small things, like going to the cinema, visiting a museum, going out for a drink with a friend … Small moments of respite that will make us unplug and improve our mood.

5. Always cultivate the hope that you will be able to improve your life. There is no better way to get motivated than to keep hoping that things will change. To do this, we must believe in ourselves and convince ourselves that our actions will change the situation and that it is not all in the hands of luck.

6. Try to put aside negative external opinions. To endure negative moments, it is important to listen to ourselves more than others. Anyone who tries to ruin our hopes is not worth considering.

We need to create a personal interior climate full of hope . There are many toxic people who are unable to find an escape point from negativity or to see life from a different perspective. Their negativity can infect anyone, so be careful.

7. Keep bad thoughts in check. All of us, when faced with an adverse situation, bring out our most negative side, because it seems that our mind cannot do anything else. Negativity feeds on itself. For this we must be able to break this chain through thoughts that incite hope and that convince us of the cat that with a little effort and the right strategy we will be able to get out of that situation.

Imagine for a moment that there is someone else in your situation, someone you appreciate: what would you tell her? How would you make her see that there is a way out? What advice would you give her? This way you will be able to bring out your more positive side as, when others tell us about their problems, we tend to be more hopeful.

Helping others is easier than helping ourselves, so imagining that someone we love is in trouble is a good way to see things from another point of view.

Use adversity to learn, to accept negative feelings, and make sure they never erase your smile and your desire to move forward.

Image courtesy of Syota Takahashi

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