5 Questions To Overcome Any Challenge

5 questions to overcome any challenge

Are you stressed out? Is your life a constant battle? Do you feel like you’ve reached the limit? Stress is a factor that unites many people. These are the risks of the trade. However, some people seem to cope with stress better than others. And it’s not because they have fewer reasons to be stressed or worried, or because they know how to manage their stress levels better. It is a question of resilience, of points of view, of attitude.

But there is more. Sometimes, when we seem to have reached the limit, we are faced with a challenge that worries us to the point of making us falter. Such challenges can come in different forms. Either way, the only option is to deal with them.

However, there are ways and ways of fighting. Once again, a person’s resilient abilities against life’s adversities allow them to cope with challenges much more effectively.

What to do to overcome any challenge

Some people seem to be born with a greater resilience to stress, problems and adversity than others. However, it is equally true that everyone can cultivate the capacity for resilience. One of the keys to being more resilient is to change the way you think about certain issues.


Taking on a challenge, whatever it may be, is a stressful undertaking in itself and arouses some concern. But if this challenge comes when we least need it, when there is no room for more stress, the feeling is suffocating, suffocating. In those stressful times we can truly build our resilience to face any challenge and bounce back.

You have to face your fears and your demons to overcome them. It is also necessary to experience harsh and stressful situations to develop and build resilience. You cannot know what you are capable of until you test yourself.

A new challenge, as much as you worry, is an opportunity to grow and become more resilient. But what to do in these circumstances? The following questions will help you deal with any situation.

Have I ever experienced such a thing?

From all past experiences you have surely learned something, you must have learned something, even if you have not realized it until now. It is very likely that you will be able to infer a similar solution or that you will learn from your past mistakes and their consequences.

A study conducted for three years analyzed the lives of more than 2,000 people to understand how adversity affected their health and mental well-being. The results showed that those who had already experienced a certain difficulty in the past were less affected by the effects of the most recent adversities.

According to the researchers’ conclusions, moderate levels of adversity teaches how to develop effective skills to cope with certain situations, help connect with the social environment, create a feeling of control and build self-efficacy.

Will the changes bring a new normal into my life?

Depending on the severity of the problem, you may find yourself facing the possibility of experiencing a new normal. The death of a loved one, the loss of a job, an illness or accident that resulted in physical limitations, or the arrival of a new family responsibility are some examples of circumstances that can truly change your life. Adjustments will need to be made.


For many people, the initial impact of the event itself conditions thinking in such a way that the worst possible scenarios are foreshadowed. But there are many other possibilities. The initial pain will pass and a new normal will be established. Look around you. You are neither the first nor the last to face such a thing. Accepting that you have to make changes will allow you to embrace a new normal and also to shape it.

Will this change my life for the better or will it open new doors for me?

As a result of adversity, people grow and mature. All pain allows you to make positive personal changes to deal with traumatic events. It’s called post-traumatic growth.

According to psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Calhoun Lawrence, people tend to experience growth in five specific areas as a result of traumatic events: acquiring a renewed appreciation of life, recognizing new paths and possibilities, acquiring more personal strength, improving relationships interpersonal and spiritual growth.

Will it continue to be a challenge for me in a year?

Resilient people have a realistic way of thinking about the duration of a stressful event. When adversity strikes, we tend to think that the challenge lasts forever, because that’s what it seems like at that particular moment.


However, it is important to be aware that everything passes. Visualizing the new normal we were talking about earlier is a way to get rid of the initial pain, the one that penetrates to the point that it never seems to go away. But is not so. Time passes, even for this. With this question you can consciously evaluate the problem and see it more in perspective.

Do I know someone who has experienced a similar situation and who can help me?

Many people find it difficult to ask for help, among other things because they are afraid of not finding support, fear that is the result of past experiences. However, when it comes to traumatic experiences or challenges that are particularly troubling, those who have lived through them tend to be open and share their experience with others who are experiencing a similar situation.

Connecting with others will help you feel more confident and have greater expectations of success. Knowing that you are not alone, that you are understood, and that you share your experience with someone who has been through this before or who is experiencing a similar situation with a positive and optimistic attitude will help you build the pillars of your resilience.

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