And You, What Do You Have To Offer The World?

And you, what do you have to offer the world?

What can you bring to the world to make it a better place? What are your goals or hopes? What do you have to offer to add value to your surroundings? What makes you special and what do you want to give to others?

The world doesn’t always need complex contributions, sometimes the best thing we can do is offer a little attention ; in this sense, it often doesn’t take much to achieve meaningful change. To implement those projects that, at the beginning, due to their size, can give the feeling of being unachievable, we just have to proceed in small steps, giving our contribution, our grain of sand.

If we all make an effort to see what we have to offer, we will activate an endless chain that will multiply the positive mechanisms by which we function. Our resources would increase as well as those of others. There is no need to travel to remote places or pay large amounts of money, or venture into projects that are too large; Sometimes, the simplest thing to do is to hug, reach out to assist those around us or listen. In this way, without even realizing it, we will already be helping.

We can all help, each of us has something to offer the world.  Just stop and think; What can I do to leave the world better than how I found it? We all have a margin of responsibility and also a margin of action: a freedom that we can enhance with the intention of improving what surrounds us.

Small steps… of a long journey

There are no easy things and we don’t like that. One of the variables that most affects the value we give to a goal is the effort taken to achieve it… because, in it, there is something of ours, personal, and this generates pride.

Footprints on the beach

On the other hand, when we do not know where to start, the ideal is to proceed with medium-term objectives, small goals that can motivate us and give us other ideas (satisfying needs we will become aware of other needs). Let’s give ourselves a goal and work to achieve it, let’s see everything we can do day by day  so that, once we reach the finish line, we can take a look back and appreciate our value, which will give us comfort, as well as give meaning to our whole life. .

If what I want is to bring peace to the world or for every place on the planet to know about my work or to help make up for everything that is missing, I must be aware that they are long-term goals. It is equally important to imagine the weight that will weigh on my determination. I will have to start by building something in my little one, in what surrounds me, helping and supporting those close to me and thus starting to sow to obtain, little by little, fruits in a wider space .

Each step counts, each step builds and each step produces. Everything in which we put enthusiasm and hope makes us and what surrounds us grow. If we can convey our happiness to others, then we will already be offering something to the world. We do not remain idle, let out our potential and discover our talent. Let’s do it with a smile and giving our best.  The world is out here waiting for everything we can offer it.

What can I offer the world? What is my purpose today?

We are talking about the “day to day”, not the resolutions we make at the beginning of the year or when we turn a birthday; these we forget too soon. We must become aware of the qualities we have and that can make us better and able to give something to others.

Maybe we are fun, we know how to dance or tell curious anecdotes, listen, help, teach, cook, draw, offer good music… In our own way, we are all able to contribute something important. So, we ask you  what are your resolutions for now, for today, for tomorrow or for this week?

Girl who has a lot to offer the world

The world needs people who are eager to give the best of themselves, eager to go out and see the sun even if it’s raining, eager to make others happy and distribute love. The world needs people who make their own context better, who want to give something or give grace for everything that is offered to them by those around them. The world needs you, what are you waiting for to offer it all the good you have?

Believe in yourself and explore your inner world, you will find there something wonderful that wishes to come out. Something that others need, although that’s not the most important thing: until you believe it, it won’t do any good. Seek and find, rejoice and then offer. There will always be someone who will be grateful to you; this someone will be you.

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