Ritual To Let Go Of The Past

Do you need to take a symbolic action to let go of the past? In this article we propose a simple ritual that symbolizes the end of a stage, to start healing.
Ritual to let go of the past

Do you feel the need to close a stage? To let go of that person who is no longer in your life? In this article we talk about a ritual to let go of the past that can help close a phase in life to say goodbye, be grateful for what has been lived and begin to heal.

In addition to being present in all religions, rituals can also be performed in everyday life, in everyday life. They allow us to represent and symbolize aspects of our life that we want to release or express.

In order for it to have the desired effect, however, it is essential to choose the ideal moment, that is, one in which you feel calm and relaxed.

The rituals and their function

A ritual is a “set of rites of a religion, a church or a sacred function”. However, not all rituals are religious. We could say that these are actions we perform to symbolize or give thanks: a new stage, the end of another.

We use rituals to say goodbye to people (for example during a funeral), to welcome a new life, to celebrate an anniversary, etc.

Rituals allow us to close stages, symbolize experiences and emotional states, allow us to establish new bonds, etc. And they can be very helpful in gaining inner peace.

According to a Harvard University study, rituals could help free us from anxiety. Although there are all kinds of them, in this article we have selected a ritual that can help close a stage.

Whether destined for a break, a move, the end of a job or a layoff, the death of a loved one, etc.

A ritual to let go of the past

As anticipated, rituals can help us close some phases and start healing. It is not so much the ritual itself that has power, but rather the act of carrying out some symbolic action to conclude a stage, which allows us to make a mental “cut” between past and future. And that cut places us in the here and now.

Rituals are believed to have ancestral power, as they connect us with who we are and allow us to start, consolidate or finish a project.

Do you need to end a stage, an old relationship, a traumatic episode…? How about performing the little ritual we propose in this article? If you have to choose a day, choose, if possible, a full moon day, ideal to give thanks and get rid of, that is, to close a stage.

Materials needed

For this ritual we will need the following materials:

  • Two candles (the color is indifferent; choose them based on the energy of that moment).
  • Flowers (your favorites if possible).
  • Wire.
  • A pair of scissors.

How to perform this simple ritual to let go of the past?

The first step will be to erect a small altar. Choose a moment of calm and silence, a space where you feel calm and at ease, perhaps where you can be alone.

Light the two candles and tie them together with the help of a string. You can join them or place (tie) the thread around them, as you like. The next step is to place the chosen flowers near the candles.

Breathe correctly during the ritual to let go of the past

Then, close your eyes and take a series of deep breaths. Notice how the air enters the lungs, hold it there and release it little by little. Gradually you will deflate, gradually entering a state of peace.

You can repeat the following words aloud: I leave and I leave you. I forgive you and I forgive myself. I free myself from fear and guilt, anger and sadness. I’m letting you go little by little. I thank you for everything I have lived, but that’s how it went, I close this stage ”.

The words can be chosen by you, but make sure the message is liberating. In short, choose a message that helps you let go. It is also important to include words of appreciation if you feel it is necessary.

The importance of thanking

There are many studies, such as that of Alarcón and Caycho (2015), which state that there is a positive and significant correlation between gratitude and happiness. So practicing gratitude not only helps us let go of the past, it can also improve our mood.

Cut the link with the past

With scissors cut the thread that joins the candles (or the one that surrounds them). This small gesture marks a breaking point. The bond can be with someone, with a job, a stage in your life …

Blow out the candles

Finally, put the flowers in a container with water: take care of them. You can also choose to replant them in any space you like.

Sooner or later they will blossom to represent a new stage in your life and release from that emotional attachment that chains you to the past.

You can also choose, if you prefer, to throw them into the sea, or to leave them in a beautiful place. Choose what you need in that moment, but above all do something with them, something you feel comfortable with.

Flowers in the water.

The power of the symbolic act

Have you ever tried to perform a ritual to let go of the past? It worked? In this article we have seen a very simple ritual, but there are many more of them : burn the photos taken with the person, tear them, get rid of his things. As well as throwing away everything related to that old job, etc.

In any case, remember that the ritual itself does not matter. What matters is that you perform an action that symbolizes something. Why? Because in that moment you are taking care of what is happening to you and you are doing what you really need.

In other words, you are taking the reins of your life. Furthermore, rituals have that mystical side that allows us to connect with what we feel and with what we need.

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