Phrases About Death To Love Life

Phrases about death speak to us, above all, of the importance of life. Sometimes we overlook the fact that sooner or later all of us will die. With this article we want to pay homage to the life we ​​still have.
Phrases about death to love life

There are many sentences on death written over centuries of history. The theme of death has disturbed humans since the beginning of time, even giving rise to special rituals with some animals.

Although much has been said about it, there is still no definitive agreement on how death should be defined. Science, which has also elaborated many sentences about death , cannot explain exactly when human life ceases from a neurological and thermodynamic point of view.

There is also no agreement on the meaning of the end of life in religions and ideologies. Most of them refuse to accept that everything ends with the cessation of biological functions. To try to reorganize ideas, many thinkers have written or said a few sentences about death.

Man at the end of the tunnel

7 phrases about death

1. Don’t be afraid

Here is one of the phrases about death written by the wonderful poet Antonio Machado. It reads: “Death is something we shouldn’t fear because, while we are, death is not, and when death is, we are not.”

A surprising reasoning for its simplicity. In its narrowest sense, death does not exist for the dead. If he has passed away, he can no longer experience fear as if he were alive. His being has disappeared and with him all fears.

2. One of the most beautiful sentences about death

Alphonse de Lamartine gave us one of the most beautiful phrases about death. It reads as follows: “Often the tomb contains, without knowing it, two hearts in the same coffin”. The death of a loved one kills us a little too.

It is common for someone’s death to significantly affect another person who survives him. The life of the survivor remains confined to that coffin that houses the one who is no longer there and will never be again.

3. The importance of death

Regarding this theme, André Malraux argues that: “Death is only important to the extent that it makes us reflect on the value of life”. The meaning of death is closely related to the meaning of life.

Malraux invites us not to think about death per se. It loses its importance because it represents the end of everything. On the contrary, the consciousness of the end is a factor that affects the way we experience and deal with life.

4. A reality that makes us equal

This sentence about death was pronounced thousands of years ago by Laozi: “Different in life, men are equal in death”. We could say that death is the most democratic reality of all, the one that ultimately makes us all equal.

Well, no matter how sumptuous a funeral may be, a corpse will always rest inside the coffin, and as such it is equal to all the others in the world: a remnant, a lifeless body, an organism in the process of decomposition.

5. Now or never

William Shakespeare is another poet who uttered a sentence about death in order to love life. It is: “Love now that you are alive, because when you are dead you will not be able to do it”. Death was a central element of his work, but here we see the emphasis on life instead.

Many times we face life as if it were eternal. It almost seems to us that time never runs out. Love gives a very strong meaning to life, but very often we live it as if destiny never had to write its ending.

Heart on the window

6. Youth, old age and death

There is a big difference between the death of a child, a young person and an elderly person. The baby and young man have recently begun to live and that is why premature deaths are so disconcerting and painful. Like a project that can never be accomplished.

In old age, on the contrary, one has had the opportunity to live multiple experiences: death appears almost as a law of life. In this case, dying acquires the logic of the completed cycle. Baltasar Gracián expresses it in his own way: “The death of the young is a shipwreck, that of the old is a landing at the port”.

7. It is not enough to think about it

Stefan Zweig makes a very profound reflection related to this theme. He says: “It is not enough to think about death, you must always have it in front of you. Then life will become more solemn, more important, more fruitful and more cheerful ”.

In general, we do not like to talk about death as we consider it an enigmatic subject and, often, difficult to deal with. Zweig invites us to look this possibility in the face, precisely to make our life gain intensity and value.

The one presented was just a glimpse of the many phrases about death that have been written and said over the centuries. Our short collection will serve as a reminder that we are only passing through. That we will all die, but until the time comes, it is worth living to the full.

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