You Don’t Need To Feel Like Taking The First Step

You don't need to feel like taking the first step

Wanting to do something means being motivated, having life intentions in mind, a goal. The desire pushes us to always be on the move, to march in favor of the things we want to achieve or conquer.

It is true that desire is a force that moves us, that pushes us to live with illusion and hope and that it is much easier to give life to plans or projects when there is, rather than in its absence. However, this does not mean that when the urge is lacking, it is impossible to move.

When the urge is blurred

Sometimes we experience emotions of sadness or depression so intense that they prevent us from finding the why of things, from giving meaning to life. In truth, we all have the ability to find that meaning, under any circumstances. Many times, however, emotion clouds our sight forcing us to see a world of black hues, even when reality is made up of a thousand colors.

When emotion blurs our vision, negative thoughts begin to haunt us. We are blinded by beliefs that we believe to be true, when in reality they are only enemies created by our irrational mind, which in those moments is not thinking realistically.


If external information is filtered in this way, it is normal to feel dejected and allow such an emotional state to lead us to act by inertia, like puppets or prisoners of our emotions. We do not feel the desire to go out or do the activities we once loved to do, and we blame it on the fact that we “don’t want to”. And that’s right, the urge seems to have disappeared. Fortunately, man has an extremely precious gift, the will.

Say NO to your emotions

When the lack of desire or motivation is on the verge of winning, it’s time to hit a hard fist on the table and say “enough” ! It seems easy to say and difficult to put into action, and perhaps it is. But one thing is certain: it’s worth trying and persevering. Over time, all the colors of life will begin to show.

The secret is to stay active, dedicate yourself to hobbies, projects, even when you don’t have the strength. To do this, you will need to be mentally prepared and understand that sadness is only a reaction on a physiological level. It is undeniable that it is quite unpleasant at times. But despite the sadness, even in spite of it, we can continue with our plans just as we had proposed again, without wavering.

Being a long-term hedonist

What does it mean to be a long-term hedonist? It means being aware that it is often necessary to sacrifice in the short term in order to get much more pleasure in the future. When we are sick and freeze, we do not make the effort to dress without wanting to, go out shopping or study with no motivation.


In doing so, we also reinforce negative thoughts about ourselves, the world and the future. This happens because if we do not give ourselves the opportunity to act, it becomes impossible to see the positive side of things, we find ourselves isolated in our little world. We consider ourselves incapable, we see the world as a hostile place and the future appears devoid of any hope.

For this reason, it becomes necessary to bring out the willpower, to walk even when the feet weigh a ton and to continue slowly, until we can see things differently. Until we discover all that is good and that was waiting for us out there.

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